[Piuparts-commits] rev 391 - piatti/org/piuparts.debian.org/htdocs trunk

Holger Levsen holger at alioth.debian.org
Tue May 5 10:49:45 UTC 2009

Author: holger
Date: 2009-05-05 10:49:44 +0000 (Tue, 05 May 2009)
New Revision: 391

 - if uploaders if empty, dont display it
 - different background color for links to failed logs 

Modified: piatti/org/piuparts.debian.org/htdocs/style.css
--- piatti/org/piuparts.debian.org/htdocs/style.css	2009-05-04 23:21:06 UTC (rev 390)
+++ piatti/org/piuparts.debian.org/htdocs/style.css	2009-05-05 10:49:44 UTC (rev 391)
@@ -259,6 +259,15 @@
     border-bottom: 1px dotted #999;
     font-weight: bold;
+td.bluelabelcell {
+    color: white;
+    background-color: #0755d7;
+    vertical-align: top;
+    text-align: left;
+    padding: 0.2em 0.3em 0.2em 0.3em;
+    border-bottom: 1px dotted #999;
+    font-weight: bold;
 td.labelcell2 {
     padding: 0.2em 0.2em 0.1em 0.2em;
     border-top: 1px solid black;

Modified: trunk/TODO
--- trunk/TODO	2009-05-04 23:21:06 UTC (rev 390)
+++ trunk/TODO	2009-05-05 10:49:44 UTC (rev 391)
@@ -7,9 +7,11 @@
  - refactor code, search for FIXME
   - esp. these new maintainer packages...
  - maintainer-pages: 
-  - if uploaders if empty, dont display it
-  - different background color for links to failed logs 
   - assemble maintainer pages differently, to be able to sort them alphabetically + by section
+  - http://piuparts.debian.org/source/a/awesome.html links to awesome-extra logs
+  - http://piuparts.debian.org/source/a/awesome.html should display bugged logs
+ - http://piuparts.debian.org/sid/state-dependency-does-not-exist.html:
+   "dependency unknown package is unknown-package"
  - sources.txt should not be calculated where it currently is (or maybe yes..)
  - packages.txt for binary packages
  - get rid of old log pages and put stats in the index page
@@ -32,6 +34,8 @@
 - probably include patch for #523950
 - probably include patch for #519192 - not sure if i like that aproach
+- piuparts-slave: if chroot.tgz is older than N hours, regenerate it
 - master:
  - write stats about number of daily tests (-> report: create fancy graphs)
@@ -58,6 +62,8 @@
    in fail/ or bugged/)
  - RSS feeds of logs
  - include pts state (as an icon) in source summary pages
+ - logs from binNMUs are sorted incorrectly in the source pages 
+   (see for exsample http://piuparts.debian.org/source/i/icewm.html)
 - expire old logs a month after testing if newer logs exists (except if the new log is fail
   and the old is bugged, then the fail log should be moved to bugged first)
@@ -73,8 +79,6 @@
    if those haven't been killed after $time=10min. see #387428
  - master.log grows to fast and there is no mechanism to stop it
-- piuparts-slave: if chroot.tgz is older than N hours, regenerate it
 - slave_run: cleanup stale proc mountpoints
 - split the failed state into several problem-type failed states
@@ -137,7 +141,7 @@
 * Kill children after a timeout to make sure the test doesn't run forever.
-* include a test to see which packages which modify their own conffiles 
+* #522913: include a test to see which packages which modify their own conffiles 
   so the user is presented with a dpkg conffile changed dialogue during
   the upgrade.  It would also be very interesting to see how many packages
   leave behind orphaned conffiles after purging a newer version which does

Modified: trunk/piuparts-report.py
--- trunk/piuparts-report.py	2009-05-04 23:21:06 UTC (rev 390)
+++ trunk/piuparts-report.py	2009-05-05 10:49:44 UTC (rev 391)
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
      <td class="contentcell">
-      <a href="/maintainer/">by maintainer</a> 
+      <a href="/maintainer/">by maintainer / uploader</a> 
@@ -756,7 +756,12 @@
             for binary in binaries.split(", "):
               state = self._binary_db.state_by_name(binary)
               current_version = self._source_db.get_control_header(source, "Version")
-              binaryrows += "<tr class=\"normalrow\"><td class=\"labelcell\">Binary:</td><td class=\"contentcell2\">%s</td><td class=\"labelcell\">Version:</td><td class=\"contentcell2\">%s</td><td class=\"labelcell\">piuparts result:</td><td class=\"contentcell2\">%s %s</td><td class=\"labelcell\">Uploaders:</td><td class=\"contentcell2\">%s</td></tr>" %  (binary, current_version, self.link_to_state_page(self._config.section,binary,state), self.links_to_logs(binary, state, logs_by_dir),html_protect(uploaders))
+              # FIXME: labelcell is not a good name here.... 
+              if "fail" in state:
+                labelcell="bluelabelcell"
+              else:
+                labelcell="labelcell"
+              binaryrows += "<tr class=\"normalrow\"><td class=\"labelcell\">Binary:</td><td class=\"contentcell2\">%s</td><td class=\"%s\">piuparts-result:</td><td class=\"contentcell2\">%s %s</td><td class=\"labelcell\">Version:</td><td class=\"contentcell2\">%s</td></tr>" %  (binary, labelcell, self.link_to_state_page(self._config.section,binary,state), self.links_to_logs(binary, state, logs_by_dir), html_protect(current_version))
               if state != "successfully-tested":
                 success = False
               if state == "failed-testing":
@@ -767,8 +772,11 @@
             if failed:  source_state="failed"
             sources += "%s: %s\n" % (source, source_state)
-            sourcerows = "<tr class=\"titlerow\"><td class=\"titlecell\" colspan=\"8\">%s in %s</td></tr>" % (source, self._config.section)
-            sourcerows += "<tr class=\"normalrow\"><td class=\"labelcell\">Source:</td><td class=\"contentcell2\"><a href=\"http://packages.qa.debian.org/%s\" target=\"_blank\">%s</a></td><td class=\"labelcell\">Version:</td><td class=\"contentcell2\">%s</td><td class=\"labelcell\">piuparts summary:</td><td class=\"contentcell2\">%s</td><td class=\"labelcell\">Maintainer:</td><td class=\"contentcell2\">%s</td></tr>" % (source, html_protect(source), html_protect(source_version),source_state,html_protect(maintainer))
+            sourcerows = "<tr class=\"titlerow\"><td class=\"titlecell\" colspan=\"6\">%s in %s</td></tr>" % (source, self._config.section)
+            sourcerows += "<tr class=\"normalrow\"><td class=\"labelcell\">Source:</td><td class=\"contentcell2\"><a href=\"http://packages.qa.debian.org/%s\" target=\"_blank\">%s</a></td><td class=\"labelcell\">piuparts summary:</td><td class=\"contentcell2\">%s</td><td class=\"labelcell\">Version:</td><td class=\"contentcell2\">%s</td></tr>" % (source, html_protect(source), source_state, html_protect(source_version))
+            sourcerows += "<tr class=\"normalrow\"><td class=\"labelcell\">Maintainer:</td><td class=\"contentcell2\" colspan=\"5\">%s</td></tr>" % (html_protect(maintainer))
+            if uploaders:
+              sourcerows += "<tr class=\"normalrow\"><td class=\"labelcell\">Uploaders:</td><td class=\"contentcell2\" colspan=\"5\">%s</td></tr>" % (html_protect(uploaders))
             filename = os.path.join(source_summary_page_path, (source + ".tpl_src"))
             if not os.path.isfile(filename):

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