[Piuparts-commits] rev 393 - piatti/org/piuparts.debian.org/htdocs trunk trunk/debian trunk/piupartslib
Holger Levsen
holger at alioth.debian.org
Tue May 5 19:07:25 UTC 2009
Author: holger
Date: 2009-05-05 19:07:24 +0000 (Tue, 05 May 2009)
New Revision: 393
- fix get_packages_in_state() to only return unique packages and not also
the provided ones as exact copies.
- emphasize dependencies with problems in package and maintainer overview
Modified: piatti/org/piuparts.debian.org/htdocs/style.css
--- piatti/org/piuparts.debian.org/htdocs/style.css 2009-05-05 13:44:32 UTC (rev 392)
+++ piatti/org/piuparts.debian.org/htdocs/style.css 2009-05-05 19:07:24 UTC (rev 393)
@@ -268,6 +268,15 @@
border-bottom: 1px dotted #999;
font-weight: bold;
+td.lightbluelabelcell {
+ color: white;
+ background-color: #a0a0ff;
+ vertical-align: top;
+ text-align: left;
+ padding: 0.2em 0.3em 0.2em 0.3em;
+ border-bottom: 1px dotted #999;
+ font-weight: bold;
td.labelcell2 {
padding: 0.2em 0.2em 0.1em 0.2em;
border-top: 1px solid black;
Modified: trunk/TODO
--- trunk/TODO 2009-05-05 13:44:32 UTC (rev 392)
+++ trunk/TODO 2009-05-05 19:07:24 UTC (rev 393)
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
- maintainer-pages:
- assemble maintainer pages differently, to be able to sort them alphabetically + by section
- http://piuparts.debian.org/source/a/awesome.html should display bugged logs
+ - split per section, do the same for source package, provide link to page in other section if existant
- http://piuparts.debian.org/sid/state-dependency-does-not-exist.html:
"dependency unknown package is unknown-package"
- sources.txt should not be calculated where it currently is (or maybe yes..)
@@ -16,9 +17,8 @@
- get rid of old log pages and put stats in the index page
- do fancy R graphs with the data from $distro/counts.txt
- also per state
+- PackagesDB: get rid of 50% of unique() :)
-- packagesdb.py: get_packages_in_state() returns each provided package too, so there is 3 times bonnie++ in the states
- take care of old conf files on upgrades
Modified: trunk/debian/changelog
--- trunk/debian/changelog 2009-05-05 13:44:32 UTC (rev 392)
+++ trunk/debian/changelog 2009-05-05 19:07:24 UTC (rev 393)
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
as important packages can be tested like all the others.
- handle binNMUs where the Source header in the Packages file includes the
Version and the Source package name in one line.
+ - fix get_packages_in_state() to only return unique packages and not also
+ the provided ones as exact copies.
* Install scripts for master-slave mode without .py extension.
* piuparts-master.py: remove code to write statistics, that is done only in
piuparts-report.py now.
@@ -72,7 +74,7 @@
- remove build-dependencies on docbook2x and docbook-xml.
- suggest python-rpy and gs to improve piuparts-report output.
- set Homepage: to http://piuparts.debian.org
- - bump Standards-Version to 3.8.1, no changes neccessary.
+ - bump Standards-Version to 3.8.1, no changes necessary.
* Rewrite debian/rules from scratch using debhelper.
* Merge README, how-to-use-piuparts.txt and custom-scripts.txt into
README.txt, convert it to asciidoc and build pdf and html versions of it.
Modified: trunk/piuparts-report.py
--- trunk/piuparts-report.py 2009-05-05 13:44:32 UTC (rev 392)
+++ trunk/piuparts-report.py 2009-05-05 19:07:24 UTC (rev 393)
@@ -333,6 +333,11 @@
<tr class="normalrow">
<td class="contentcell2">
+ <b>2009-05-06</b>: Only believe statistics you faked yourself! Up until today piuparts used to include virtual packages (those only exist true the Provides: header) into the calculations of statistics of package states and the total number of packages. Suddenly, sid has 2444 packages less!
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class="normalrow">
+ <td class="contentcell2">
<b>2009-05-01</b>: All packages in squeeze and sid which can be tested have been tested. So it takes about one month to do a full piuparts run against one suite of the archive on this machine, that's almost 1000 packages tested per day.
@@ -711,11 +716,13 @@
header = "date"
current_day = "%s" % time.strftime("%Y%m%d")
counts = current_day
+ total = 0
for state in self._binary_db.get_states():
count = len(self._binary_db.get_packages_in_state(state))
header += ", %s" % state
counts += ", %s" % count
logging.debug("%s: %s" % (state, count))
+ total += count
header += "\n"
counts += "\n"
@@ -728,6 +735,7 @@
if not current_day in last_line:
append_file(countsfile, counts)
logging.debug("appending line: %s" % counts)
+ return total
def prepare_package_summaries(self, logs_by_dir):
logging.debug("Writing package templates in %s" % self._config.section)
@@ -757,11 +765,13 @@
state = self._binary_db.state_by_name(binary)
current_version = self._source_db.get_control_header(source, "Version")
# FIXME: labelcell is not a good name here....
- if "fail" in state:
- labelcell="bluelabelcell"
+ if state != "circular-dependency" and not "waiting" in state and "dependency" in state:
+ state_style="lightbluelabelcell"
+ elif state == "failed-testing":
+ state_style="bluelabelcell"
- labelcell="labelcell"
- binaryrows += "<tr class=\"normalrow\"><td class=\"labelcell\">Binary:</td><td class=\"contentcell2\">%s</td><td class=\"%s\">piuparts-result:</td><td class=\"contentcell2\">%s %s</td><td class=\"labelcell\">Version:</td><td class=\"contentcell2\">%s</td></tr>" % (binary, labelcell, self.link_to_state_page(self._config.section,binary,state), self.links_to_logs(binary, state, logs_by_dir), html_protect(current_version))
+ state_style="labelcell"
+ binaryrows += "<tr class=\"normalrow\"><td class=\"labelcell\">Binary:</td><td class=\"contentcell2\">%s</td><td class=\"%s\">piuparts-result:</td><td class=\"contentcell2\">%s %s</td><td class=\"labelcell\">Version:</td><td class=\"contentcell2\">%s</td></tr>" % (binary, state_style, self.link_to_state_page(self._config.section,binary,state), self.links_to_logs(binary, state, logs_by_dir), html_protect(current_version))
if state != "successfully-tested":
success = False
if state == "failed-testing":
@@ -819,6 +829,11 @@
logging.debug("Writing per-dir HTML pages")
self.print_by_dir(self._output_directory, logs_by_dir)
+ total_packages = self.write_counts_summary()
+ if self._config["sources-url"]:
+ self.prepare_package_summaries(logs_by_dir)
logging.debug("Writing section statistics page")
tablerows = ""
for state in self._binary_db.get_states():
@@ -845,12 +860,11 @@
r('barplot(t(v),col = 1:13, main="Packages per state in '+self._config.section+' (past 4 weeks)", xlab="", ylab="Number of packages",space=0.1,border=0)')
r('legend(x="bottom",legend=colnames(t), ncol=2,fill=1:13,xjust=0.5,yjust=0,bty="n")')
- tablerows += "<tr class=\"normalrow\"> <td class=\"contentcell\" colspan=\"3\"><a href=\"%s\"><img src=\"/%s/%s\" height=\"450\" width=\"600\" alt=\"Package states in the 4 weeks\"></a></td></tr>\n" % ("monthly-states.png", self._config.section, "monthly-states.png")
+ tablerows += "<tr class=\"normalrow\"> <td class=\"contentcell\" colspan=\"3\"><a href=\"%s\"><img src=\"/%s/%s\" height=\"450\" width=\"600\" alt=\"Package states in the last 4 weeks\"></a></td></tr>\n" % ("monthly-states.png", self._config.section, "monthly-states.png")
logging.debug("python-rpy not installed, disabled graphs.")
- tablerows += "<tr class=\"normalrow\"> <td class=\"labelcell2\">Total</td> <td class=\"labelcell\" colspan=\"2\">%d</td></tr>\n" % \
- self._binary_db.get_total_packages()
+ tablerows += "<tr class=\"normalrow\"> <td class=\"labelcell2\">Total</td> <td class=\"labelcell2\" colspan=\"2\">%d</td></tr>\n" % total_packages
write_file(os.path.join(self._output_directory, "index.html"), htmlpage.safe_substitute( {
"section_navigation": create_section_navigation(self._section_names),
@@ -887,11 +901,7 @@
"list": list
- self.write_counts_summary()
- if self._config["sources-url"]:
- self.prepare_package_summaries(logs_by_dir)
def generate_output(self, master_directory, output_directory, section_names):
self._section_names = section_names
self._master_directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(master_directory, self._config.section))
Modified: trunk/piupartslib/packagesdb.py
--- trunk/piupartslib/packagesdb.py 2009-05-05 13:44:32 UTC (rev 392)
+++ trunk/piupartslib/packagesdb.py 2009-05-05 19:07:24 UTC (rev 393)
@@ -45,8 +45,45 @@
return headers
+def unique (s):
+ # taken from http://code.activestate.com/recipes/52560/
+ n = len(s)
+ if n == 0:
+ return []
+ u = {}
+ try:
+ for x in s:
+ u[x] = 1
+ except TypeError:
+ del u # move on to the next method
+ else:
+ return u.keys()
+ try:
+ t = list(s)
+ t.sort()
+ except TypeError:
+ del t # move on to the next method
+ else:
+ assert n > 0
+ last = t[0]
+ lasti = i = 1
+ while i < n:
+ if t[i] != last:
+ t[lasti] = last = t[i]
+ lasti += 1
+ i += 1
+ return t[:lasti]
+ # Brute force is all that's left.
+ u = []
+ for x in s:
+ if x not in u:
+ u.append(x)
+ return u
class Package(UserDict.UserDict):
def __init__(self, headers):
@@ -361,17 +398,13 @@
for state in self._states:
- def get_total_packages(self):
- self._find_all_packages()
- return len(self._packages)
def get_states(self):
return self._states
def get_packages_in_state(self, state):
- self._compute_package_states()
- return [self._packages[name] for name in self._in_state[state]]
+ self._compute_package_states()
+ return unique([self._packages[name] for name in self._in_state[state]])
def get_all_packages(self):
return self._packages
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