[Piuparts-commits] [SCM] piuparts git repository branch, master, updated. eda668423fa87898c59d1075118693714aa5a053
Holger Levsen
holger at layer-acht.org
Fri Dec 23 10:26:25 UTC 2011
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit b42b9931fab544c2f9cc423bfdf333984f09e9b2
Author: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>
Date: Tue Nov 22 12:59:37 2011 +0100
update TODO list
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index 65eb107..f7b1cc6 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ higher than wishlist!
for 0.42:
-- send logs to mailing lists
- share templates for filing bugs
- piuparts-report should keep state, ie cache the results of the log
@@ -15,20 +13,29 @@ for 0.42:
take minutes instead of hours... this is now (with four distros tested
instead of three) more needed than ever.
+- use python-debianbts to track bugginess status of packages via
+ the bts and remove the "bugged" directory-status tracking
+ altogether. also remove "fixed".
- discard logs for packages which have been removed from distro.
- piuparts-report.py: fix those 2 FIXMEs in main()
-- warn about files in */reserved older than 24h
+- warn/remove about files in */reserved older than 24h
-- preserve two uncommited scripts from my svn working copy: home/piupartsm/bin/biggest_blocker.sh and home/piupartss/bin/update-piuparts-snapshot
+- merge script from my svn working copy: home/piupartsm/bin/biggest_blocker.sh
+ with a similar one Dave send to the list
for 0.43:
-- use python-debianbts to track bugginess status of packages via
- the bts and remove the "bugged" directory-status tracking
- altogether. also remove "fixed".
+- provide mail templates for bugreports (which ideally only
+ should need manual logfile trimming) at
+ http://$piuparts/$distro/fail/$packages_$version.bug for usage
+ by a then to be written tool.
+- write reportbug(-like) wrapper for mass bug filing (start
+ simple, make it more sophisticated later).
- use libeatmydata - either install it in all chroots or find a
better way to use it. Since 0.41 there is --force-unsafe-io
@@ -44,19 +51,11 @@ for 0.43:
for 0.44:
-- provide mail templates for bugreports (which ideally only
- should need manual logfile trimming) at
- http://$piuparts/$distro/fail/$packages_$version.bug for usage
- by a then to be written tool.
-- write reportbug(-like) wrapper for mass bug filing (start
- simple, make it more sophisticated later).
-- svn mv piatti trunk/doc/examples and include it into a new
+- mv piatti.git piuparts.git/doc/examples and include it into a new
binary package. when doing so keep in mind the two tango icons
and credit those in debian/copyright.
-- once that is done, move to git.
+- create piuparts-master and piuparts-slave packages.
- publish FAI classes to setup piuparts.$fqdn automatically.
@@ -66,6 +65,19 @@ for 0.45:
- remove configfile option "mirror" and use the mirror from
+- find_default_debian_mirrors: if parts[2] contains a / (think
+ stable/updates for security.d.o), you can't ignore this, it
+ will break later...
+- support for extra-packages-url (for backports, security, etc)
+- make it possible to call aptitude (or similar) instead of
+ apt-get and allow to override the commandline arguments of the
+ used program (to be able to test with and without recommended
+ packages or authentication).
+- piuparts-slave: timestamps to log messages
- master:
- write stats about number of daily tests (-> report: create
fancy graphs)
@@ -75,15 +87,14 @@ for 0.46:
- slave_run: cleanup stale proc mountpoints
+- mounting /proc and perhaps others (usbfs, sysfs, /dev/pts,
+ etc.) in the chroot might be a good idea because some packages
+ might need this.
- the templates used by update-reports.py should be taken from
/etc/piuparts/templates/ and not be included in the python
-- mounting /proc and perhaps others (usbfs, sysfs, /dev/pts,
- etc.) in the chroot might be a good idea because some packages
- might need this. Interestingly enough this currently seems to
- prevent start-stop-daemon from starting any daemons ;)
for 0.47 and later:
@@ -101,10 +112,21 @@ for 0.47 and later:
- a redirect of http://piuparts.d.o/foo to
http://p.d.o/source/f/foo.html would be nice
+- monitor:
+ - write slave-watcher to monitor hanging processes, eg.
+ looping dpkg-preconfigure
+ - Check for and kill extraneous processes afterwards. Perhaps
+ by checking whether their working directory is in the
+ chroot.
+ Introduce a whitelist of processes to wait for and assume
+ it's an error if those haven't been killed after $time, ie
+ 10min. see #387428
+ - master.log grows to fast and there is no mechanism to stop it
for 0.50 and later:
-- multi-arch:
+- really support multiple architectures:
- piuparts-report should have a list of available arch and list
packages only available on untested archs in a new state
@@ -112,35 +134,12 @@ for 0.50 and later:
not available on the master arch to slaves of different archs
-> "schedule-evenly-to-slaves = no"
+- piuparts-master: keep track of to whom a reservation was given
- piuparts can't currently test upgrades of required packages.
(Because they cannot be removed, it assumes these are
untestable, which is only true for removal tests...
-Low priority stuff (a.k.a. "nobody's said they must have it now")
-- create emacspeak-broken-dpkg-preconfigure package for broken
- repo. (then later put more broken packages in there and use
- that for testing piuparts)
-- monitor:
- - write slave-watcher to monitor hanging processes, eg.
- looping dpkg-preconfigure
- - Check for and kill extraneous processes afterwards. Perhaps
- by checking whether their working directory is in the
- chroot.
- Introduce a whitelist of processes to wait for and assume
- it's an error if those haven't been killed after $time, ie
- 10min. see #387428
- - master.log grows to fast and there is no mechanism to stop it
-- find_default_debian_mirrors: if parts[2] contains a / (think
- stable/updates for security.d.o), you can't ignore this, it
- will break later...
-- support for extra-packages-url (for backports, security, etc)
- not sure if it's a sensible thing to to, but provide a way to
turn off debugging output for piuparts.py - see
@@ -149,17 +148,13 @@ Low priority stuff (a.k.a. "nobody's said they must have it now")
- move shell cronjobs functionality into master, slave & report
-- make it possible to call aptitude (or similar) instead of
- apt-get and allow to override the commandline arguments of the
- used program (to be able to test with and without recommended
- packages or authentication).
-- Remove --minimize and related options/functionality? Since 0.38
- --skip-minimize and --debfoster-options have become quite
- obsolete (--minimize has been added in 0.38) since debootstrap
- now creates a minimal chroot.
-- piuparts-master: keep track of to whom a reservation was given
+Low priority stuff (a.k.a. "nobody's said they must have it now")
-- piuparts-slave: timestamps to log messages
+- create archive of broken packages to provide test cases for
+ piuparts testing.
+- create emacspeak-broken-dpkg-preconfigure package for broken
+ repo. (then later put more broken packages in there and use
+ that for testing piuparts)
piuparts git repository
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