[Piuparts-commits] [SCM] piuparts git repository branch, develop, updated. 0.49-167-gc2d72c8

Andreas Beckmann anbe at debian.org
Thu Mar 7 11:00:07 UTC 2013

The following commit has been merged in the develop branch:
commit a384a3f87113ce820dae271737ff575794f463e1
Author: Andreas Beckmann <anbe at debian.org>
Date:   Sun Mar 3 20:27:16 2013 +0100

    p-s: use upgrade-test-distros to select the test
    use len(get_distros()) > 1 to enable the distupgrade test
    drop support for running both install/purge and distupgrade test for a section
    Signed-off-by: Andreas Beckmann <anbe at debian.org>

diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
index f60f51d..d7b65a8 100644
--- a/README.txt
+++ b/README.txt
@@ -588,20 +588,19 @@ section, too, and will serve as defaults for all other sections
 * "chroot-tgz" is the name of the file the slave should use for
  the tarball to keep the chroot for the basic install/purge
  testing. If the tarball doesn't exist, the slave creates it.
- This can be left empty if only upgrade tests should be run.
 * "upgrade-test-distros" is the space delimited list of
  distributions the slave should use for testing upgrades
  between distributions (i.e., Debian versions). Using "partial"
  distributions as defined in distros.conf is possible. Currently,
- "squeeze wheezy sid" is a good choice.  Leave this unset if you
- do not want to run upgrade tests.
+ "squeeze wheezy sid" is a good choice.
+ Setting this switches from doing install/purge tests to
+ dist-upgrade tests. Not set by default.
 * "upgrade-test-chroot-tgz" is the name of the file the slave
  should use for the tarball to keep the chroot for the first
  distribution in upgrade-test-distros. If the file does not exist,
- the slave creates it. This can be left empty if only basic tests
- should be run.
+ the slave creates it.
 * "max-reserved" is the maximum number of packages the slave will
  reserve at once. It should be large enough that the host that
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 6eb3497..cbe2014 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -63,6 +63,9 @@ piuparts (0.50) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
     - Use piuparts.conf global proxy setting as http_proxy and pass it to
       piuparts via --proxy.
     - Use distros.conf to compute URLs.
+    - Use the upgrade-test-distros setting to select between install/purge
+      test (if unset) and dist-upgrade test (if there are at least 2 distros).
+      Drop support for running both tests for a section.
   * piuparts-analyze.py:
     - Add support for magic "$DISTRO/None" versions.
   * piuparts-report.py:
diff --git a/piuparts-slave.py b/piuparts-slave.py
index 68ebb68..4c80f92 100644
--- a/piuparts-slave.py
+++ b/piuparts-slave.py
@@ -658,6 +658,16 @@ def test_package(config, pname, pvers, packages_files):
     output.write(time.strftime("Start: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z\n",
+    distupgrade = len(config.get_distros()) > 1
+    ret = 0
+    if not distupgrade:
+        basetgz = config["chroot-tgz"]
+    else:
+        basetgz = config["upgrade-test-chroot-tgz"]
+    if not basetgz:
+        ret = -11111
     base_command = config["piuparts-command"].split()
     if config["piuparts-flags"]:
@@ -669,9 +679,8 @@ def test_package(config, pname, pvers, packages_files):
         base_command.extend(["--tmpdir", config["tmpdir"]])
     subdir = "fail"
-    ret = 0
-    if ret == 0 and config["chroot-tgz"]:
+    if ret == 0 and not distupgrade:
         distro = config.get_distro()
         if not pname in packages_files[distro]:
             output.write("Package %s not found in %s\n" % (pname, distro))
@@ -687,7 +696,7 @@ def test_package(config, pname, pvers, packages_files):
         if ret != 0:
             subdir = "untestable"
-    if ret == 0 and config["chroot-tgz"]:
+    if ret == 0 and not distupgrade:
         command = base_command[:]
         command.extend(["-b", config["chroot-tgz"]])
         command.extend(["-d", config.get_distro()])
@@ -696,19 +705,7 @@ def test_package(config, pname, pvers, packages_files):
         command.extend(["--apt", "%s=%s" % (pname, pvers)])
-        output.write("Executing: %s\n" % " ".join(command))
-        ret,f = run_test_with_timeout(command, MAX_WAIT_TEST_RUN)
-        if not f or f[-1] != '\n':
-            f += '\n'
-        output.write(f)
-        lastline = f.split('\n')[-2]
-        if ret < 0:
-            output.write(" *** Process KILLED - exceed maximum run time ***\n")
-        elif not "piuparts run ends" in lastline:
-            ret += 1024
-            output.write(" *** PIUPARTS OUTPUT INCOMPLETE ***\n");
-    if ret == 0 and config["upgrade-test-chroot-tgz"]:
+    if ret == 0 and distupgrade:
         distros = config.get_distros()
         if distros:
             # the package must exist somewhere
@@ -744,13 +741,14 @@ def test_package(config, pname, pvers, packages_files):
         if ret != 0:
             subdir = "untestable"
-    if ret == 0 and config["upgrade-test-chroot-tgz"]:
+    if ret == 0 and distupgrade:
         command = base_command[:]
         command.extend(["-b", config["upgrade-test-chroot-tgz"]])
         for distro in config.get_distros():
             command.extend(["-d", distro])
         command.extend(["--apt", "%s=%s" % (pname, pvers)])
+    if ret == 0:
         output.write("Executing: %s\n" % " ".join(command))
         ret,f = run_test_with_timeout(command, MAX_WAIT_TEST_RUN)
         if not f or f[-1] != '\n':

piuparts git repository

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