[Piuparts-commits] [SCM] piuparts git repository branch, develop, updated. 0.49-167-gc2d72c8
Andreas Beckmann
anbe at debian.org
Thu Mar 7 11:00:08 UTC 2013
The following commit has been merged in the develop branch:
commit bb99ead14b6b826708959e8d109ddb00e7e5fc15
Author: Andreas Beckmann <anbe at debian.org>
Date: Tue Mar 5 09:01:53 2013 +0100
p-s: make test_package() a member function of Section
simplify access to config and distro_config
Signed-off-by: Andreas Beckmann <anbe at debian.org>
diff --git a/piuparts-slave.py b/piuparts-slave.py
index ab213c4..331b5fe 100644
--- a/piuparts-slave.py
+++ b/piuparts-slave.py
@@ -566,12 +566,134 @@ class Section:
if interrupted or got_sighup:
test_count += 1
- test_package(self._config, package_name, version, packages_files)
+ self._test_package(self._config, package_name, version, packages_files)
self._slave.forget_reserved(package_name, version)
return test_count
+ def _test_package(self, config, pname, pvers, packages_files):
+ global old_sigint_handler
+ old_sigint_handler = signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler)
+ logging.info("Testing package %s/%s %s" % (config.section, pname, pvers))
+ output_name = log_name(pname, pvers)
+ logging.debug("Opening log file %s" % output_name)
+ new_name = os.path.join("new", output_name)
+ output = file(new_name, "we")
+ output.write(time.strftime("Start: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z\n",
+ time.gmtime()))
+ distupgrade = len(config.get_distros()) > 1
+ ret = 0
+ if not distupgrade:
+ basetgz = config["chroot-tgz"]
+ else:
+ basetgz = config["upgrade-test-chroot-tgz"]
+ if not basetgz:
+ ret = -11111
+ command = config["piuparts-command"].split()
+ if config["piuparts-flags"]:
+ command.extend(config["piuparts-flags"].split())
+ if "http_proxy" in os.environ:
+ command.extend(["--proxy", os.environ["http_proxy"]])
+ if config["mirror"]:
+ command.extend(["--mirror", config["mirror"]])
+ if config["tmpdir"]:
+ command.extend(["--tmpdir", config["tmpdir"]])
+ command.extend(["-b", basetgz])
+ if not distupgrade:
+ command.extend(["-d", config.get_distro()])
+ command.append("--no-upgrade-test")
+ else:
+ for distro in config.get_distros():
+ command.extend(["-d", distro])
+ if config["keep-sources-list"] in ["yes", "true"]:
+ command.append("--keep-sources-list")
+ command.extend(["--apt", "%s=%s" % (pname, pvers)])
+ subdir = "fail"
+ if ret == 0 and not distupgrade:
+ distro = config.get_distro()
+ if not pname in packages_files[distro]:
+ output.write("Package %s not found in %s\n" % (pname, distro))
+ ret = -10001
+ else:
+ package = packages_files[distro][pname]
+ if pvers != package["Version"]:
+ output.write("Package %s %s not found in %s, %s is available\n" % (pname, pvers, distro, package["Version"]))
+ ret = -10002
+ output.write("\n")
+ package.dump(output)
+ output.write("\n")
+ if ret != 0:
+ subdir = "untestable"
+ if ret == 0 and distupgrade:
+ distros = config.get_distros()
+ if distros:
+ # the package must exist somewhere
+ for distro in distros:
+ if pname in packages_files[distro]:
+ break
+ else:
+ output.write("Package %s not found in any distribution\n" % pname)
+ ret = -10003
+ # the package must have the correct version in the distupgrade target distro
+ distro = distros[-1]
+ if not pname in packages_files[distro]:
+ # the package may "disappear" in the distupgrade target distro
+ if pvers == "None":
+ pass
+ else:
+ output.write("Package %s not found in %s\n" % (pname, distro))
+ ret = -10004
+ else:
+ package = packages_files[distro][pname]
+ if pvers != package["Version"]:
+ output.write("Package %s %s not found in %s, %s is available\n" % (pname, pvers, distro, package["Version"]))
+ ret = -10005
+ for distro in distros:
+ output.write("\n[%s]\n" % distro)
+ if pname in packages_files[distro]:
+ packages_files[distro][pname].dump(output)
+ output.write("\n")
+ else:
+ ret = -10010
+ if ret != 0:
+ subdir = "untestable"
+ if ret == 0:
+ output.write("Executing: %s\n" % " ".join(command))
+ ret,f = run_test_with_timeout(command, MAX_WAIT_TEST_RUN)
+ if not f or f[-1] != '\n':
+ f += '\n'
+ output.write(f)
+ lastline = f.split('\n')[-2]
+ if ret < 0:
+ output.write(" *** Process KILLED - exceed maximum run time ***\n")
+ elif not "piuparts run ends" in lastline:
+ ret += 1024
+ output.write(" *** PIUPARTS OUTPUT INCOMPLETE ***\n");
+ output.write("\n")
+ output.write("ret=%d\n" % ret)
+ output.write(time.strftime("End: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z\n",
+ time.gmtime()))
+ output.close()
+ if ret == 0:
+ subdir = "pass"
+ os.rename(new_name, os.path.join(subdir, output_name))
+ logging.debug("Done with %s: %s (%d)" % (output_name, subdir, ret))
+ signal(SIGINT, old_sigint_handler)
def log_name(package, version):
return "%s_%s.log" % (package, version)
@@ -645,128 +767,6 @@ def run_test_with_timeout(cmd, maxwait, kill_all=True):
return ret,stdout
-def test_package(config, pname, pvers, packages_files):
- global old_sigint_handler
- old_sigint_handler = signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler)
- logging.info("Testing package %s/%s %s" % (config.section, pname, pvers))
- output_name = log_name(pname, pvers)
- logging.debug("Opening log file %s" % output_name)
- new_name = os.path.join("new", output_name)
- output = file(new_name, "we")
- output.write(time.strftime("Start: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z\n",
- time.gmtime()))
- distupgrade = len(config.get_distros()) > 1
- ret = 0
- if not distupgrade:
- basetgz = config["chroot-tgz"]
- else:
- basetgz = config["upgrade-test-chroot-tgz"]
- if not basetgz:
- ret = -11111
- command = config["piuparts-command"].split()
- if config["piuparts-flags"]:
- command.extend(config["piuparts-flags"].split())
- if "http_proxy" in os.environ:
- command.extend(["--proxy", os.environ["http_proxy"]])
- if config["mirror"]:
- command.extend(["--mirror", config["mirror"]])
- if config["tmpdir"]:
- command.extend(["--tmpdir", config["tmpdir"]])
- command.extend(["-b", basetgz])
- if not distupgrade:
- command.extend(["-d", config.get_distro()])
- command.append("--no-upgrade-test")
- else:
- for distro in config.get_distros():
- command.extend(["-d", distro])
- if config["keep-sources-list"] in ["yes", "true"]:
- command.append("--keep-sources-list")
- command.extend(["--apt", "%s=%s" % (pname, pvers)])
- subdir = "fail"
- if ret == 0 and not distupgrade:
- distro = config.get_distro()
- if not pname in packages_files[distro]:
- output.write("Package %s not found in %s\n" % (pname, distro))
- ret = -10001
- else:
- package = packages_files[distro][pname]
- if pvers != package["Version"]:
- output.write("Package %s %s not found in %s, %s is available\n" % (pname, pvers, distro, package["Version"]))
- ret = -10002
- output.write("\n")
- package.dump(output)
- output.write("\n")
- if ret != 0:
- subdir = "untestable"
- if ret == 0 and distupgrade:
- distros = config.get_distros()
- if distros:
- # the package must exist somewhere
- for distro in distros:
- if pname in packages_files[distro]:
- break
- else:
- output.write("Package %s not found in any distribution\n" % pname)
- ret = -10003
- # the package must have the correct version in the distupgrade target distro
- distro = distros[-1]
- if not pname in packages_files[distro]:
- # the package may "disappear" in the distupgrade target distro
- if pvers == "None":
- pass
- else:
- output.write("Package %s not found in %s\n" % (pname, distro))
- ret = -10004
- else:
- package = packages_files[distro][pname]
- if pvers != package["Version"]:
- output.write("Package %s %s not found in %s, %s is available\n" % (pname, pvers, distro, package["Version"]))
- ret = -10005
- for distro in distros:
- output.write("\n[%s]\n" % distro)
- if pname in packages_files[distro]:
- packages_files[distro][pname].dump(output)
- output.write("\n")
- else:
- ret = -10010
- if ret != 0:
- subdir = "untestable"
- if ret == 0:
- output.write("Executing: %s\n" % " ".join(command))
- ret,f = run_test_with_timeout(command, MAX_WAIT_TEST_RUN)
- if not f or f[-1] != '\n':
- f += '\n'
- output.write(f)
- lastline = f.split('\n')[-2]
- if ret < 0:
- output.write(" *** Process KILLED - exceed maximum run time ***\n")
- elif not "piuparts run ends" in lastline:
- ret += 1024
- output.write(" *** PIUPARTS OUTPUT INCOMPLETE ***\n");
- output.write("\n")
- output.write("ret=%d\n" % ret)
- output.write(time.strftime("End: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z\n",
- time.gmtime()))
- output.close()
- if ret == 0:
- subdir = "pass"
- os.rename(new_name, os.path.join(subdir, output_name))
- logging.debug("Done with %s: %s (%d)" % (output_name, subdir, ret))
- signal(SIGINT, old_sigint_handler)
def create_chroot(config, tarball, distro):
output_name = tarball + ".log"
logging.debug("Opening log file %s" % output_name)
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