[Piuparts-commits] [SCM] piuparts git repository branch, develop, updated. 0.50-46-gfb2efac

David Steele dsteele at gmail.com
Mon Mar 25 12:25:58 UTC 2013

The following commit has been merged in the develop branch:
commit 99ab8d859148a003ad94e69fc37fd717c99f29e8
Author: David Steele <dsteele at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Jan 9 21:40:29 2013 -0500

    detect_well_known_errors.py - Create Failure Mgr class to hold kpr fails.

diff --git a/master-bin/detect_well_known_errors.py b/master-bin/detect_well_known_errors.py
index dcb2d96..5706247 100755
--- a/master-bin/detect_well_known_errors.py
+++ b/master-bin/detect_well_known_errors.py
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import os
 import time
 import re
 import subprocess
+from collections import namedtuple
 CONFIG_FILE = "/etc/piuparts/piuparts.conf"
 KPR_DIRS = ( 'pass', 'bugged', 'affected', 'fail' )
@@ -78,6 +79,50 @@ class Problem():
         return( False )
+class FailureManager():
+    """Class to track known failures encountered, by package,
+       where (e.g. 'fail'), and known problem type"""
+    def __init__(self, logdict):
+        """logdict is {pkgspec: fulllogpath} across all log files"""
+        self.logdict = logdict
+        self.failures = []
+        self.load_failures()
+    def load_failures(self):
+        """Collect failures across all kpr files, as named tuples"""
+        for pkgspec in self.logdict:
+            logpath = self.logdict[pkgspec]
+            try:
+                kp = open( get_kpr_path(logpath), 'r' )
+                for line in kp.readlines():
+                    (where, problem) = self.parse_kpr_line( line )
+                    self.failures.append( make_failure(where, problem, pkgspec) )
+                kp.close()
+            except IOError:
+                print "Error processing %s" % get_kpr_path(logpath)
+    def parse_kpr_line( self, line ):
+        """Parse a line in a kpr file into where (e.g. 'pass') and problem name"""
+        m = re.search( "^([a-z]+)/.+ (.+)$", line )
+        return( m.group(1), m.group(2) )
+    def sort_by_path( self ):
+        self.failures.sort(key=lambda x: self.logdict[x.pkgspec])
+    def filtered( self, problem ):
+        return([x for x in self.failures if problem==x.problem])
+def make_failure( where, problem, pkgspec ):
+    return(namedtuple('Failure', 'where problem pkgspec')(where, problem, pkgspec))
 def get_where( logpath ):
     """Convert a path to a log file to the 'where' component (e.g. 'pass')"""
     return( logpath.split('/')[-2] )
@@ -176,6 +221,9 @@ def process_section( section, config, problem_list ):
     add_cnt = make_kprs( logdict, kprdict, problem_list )
+    failures = FailureManager( logdict )
+    failures.sort_by_path()
 def detect_well_known_errors( config, problem_list ):
     for section in config['sections'].split(" "):

piuparts git repository

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