[Piuparts-commits] [SCM] piuparts git repository branch, develop, updated. 0.50-193-g86fbb17
Holger Levsen
holger at layer-acht.org
Mon May 13 21:06:38 UTC 2013
The following commit has been merged in the develop branch:
commit 86fbb178dfd9e9ce7fdc8b5180ee062b3547b24f
Author: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>
Date: Mon May 13 23:06:23 2013 +0200
bikeshed+polish pejacevic setup, drop references to piatti
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 481ce56..49877c2 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -96,7 +96,9 @@ install-conf-4-running-from-git: build-stamp
install -m 0644 conf/distros.conf $(DESTDIR)$(etcdir)/piuparts/
install -m 0644 instances/piuparts.conf.* $(DESTDIR)$(etcdir)/piuparts/
install -d $(DESTDIR)$(sharedir)/piuparts/slave
- install -m 0755 update-piuparts-setup $(DESTDIR)$(sharedir)/piuparts/slave/
+ install -m 0755 update-piuparts-slave-setup $(DESTDIR)$(sharedir)/piuparts/slave/
+ install -d $(DESTDIR)$(sharedir)/piuparts/master
+ install -m 0755 update-piuparts-master-setup $(DESTDIR)$(sharedir)/piuparts/master/
install: build-stamp
install -d $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)
diff --git a/README_pejacevic.txt b/README_pejacevic.txt
index fab445d..381e168 100644
--- a/README_pejacevic.txt
+++ b/README_pejacevic.txt
@@ -1,20 +1,42 @@
Notes about the piuparts installation on pejacevic.debian.org and it's slave
-This document describes the setup for http://piuparts.debian.org - it's used
+This document describes the setup for http://piuparts.debian.org - it's used
for reference for the Debian System Administrators (DSA) as well as a guide
for other setting up a similar system, with the piuparts source code
installed from git. For regular installations we recommend to use the
-piuparts-master and piuparts-slaves packages as described in
+piuparts-master and piuparts-slaves packages as described in
== Installation
-piuparts.debian.org is a setup running on two systems: pejacevic.debian.org, running the piuparts-master instance and an apache webserver to display the results and piu-slave-bm-a.debian.org, running a piuparts-slave node. Hopefully soon there should be several slave-nodes running on that system.
+piuparts.debian.org is a setup running on two systems: pejacevic.debian.org,
+running the piuparts-master instance and an apache webserver to display the
+results and piu-slave-bm-a.debian.org, running a piuparts-slave node.
+Hopefully soon there should be several slave-nodes running on that system.
+=== piuparts installation from source
+* basically, apt-get build-dep piuparts - in reality both systems get their
+ package configuration from git.debian.org/git/mirror/debian.org.git
+* pejacevic runs a webserver as well (see below for apache configuration)
+* Copy 'http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=piuparts/piuparts.git;hb=master;a=blob_plain;f=update-piuparts-master-setup'
+ and 'http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=piuparts/piuparts.git;hb=master;a=blob_plain;f=update-piuparts-slave-setup'
+ to the hosts which should be master and slave. (It's possible and has been
+ done for a long time to run them on the same host.(
+ Run the scripts as the piupartsm and piupartss users and clone that git
+ repositry into '/srv/piuparts.debian.org/src' in the first place.
+ See below for further user setup instructions.
+* Provide '/srv/piuparts.debian.org' - on the slave ideally with a 'tmp'
+ directory which is on tmpfs.
+* `sudo ln -s /srv/piuparts.debian.org/etc/piuparts /etc/piuparts`
=== User setup
-A piupartss (on piu-slave-bm-a) and a piupartsm (on pejacevic) user is needed. Both are members of the group piuparts and '/srv/piuparts.debian.org' is 774 piupartss:piuparts.
+On pejacevic the piuparts-master user piuaprtsm needs to be installed, on
+piu-slave-bm-a a piupartss user is needed for the slave.
+Both are members of the group piuparts and '/srv/piuparts.debian.org' needs to
+be chmod 2775 and chown piuparts(sm):piuparts.
==== '~/bashrc' for piupartsm and piupartss
@@ -31,8 +53,9 @@ EOF
==== set up ssh pubkey authentification
-Then create an SSH keypair for piupartss and put it into '/etc/ssh/userkeys/piupartsm' on pejacevic, so the piupartss can login with ssh and run piuparts-master.
-Restrict it like this:
+Then create an SSH keypair for piupartss and put it into
+'/etc/ssh/userkeys/piupartsm' on pejacevic, so the piupartss user can login
+with ssh and run only piuparts-master. Restrict it like this:
$ cat /etc/ssh/userkeys/piupartsm
@@ -41,6 +64,8 @@ command="/srv/piuparts.debian.org/share/piuparts/piuparts-master",from="2001:41c
=== Setup sudo
+This is actually done by DSA:
==== '/etc/sudoers' for pejacevic
@@ -58,17 +83,10 @@ piupartss ALL = NOPASSWD: ALL
%piuparts ALL=(piupartss) ALL
-=== piuparts installation from source
-* sudo apt-get build-dep piuparts
-* you need a webserver too, if you run the master
-* Copy 'http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=piuparts/piuparts.git;hb=develop;a=blob_plain;f=update-piuparts-setup' on the host and run it under the 'piupartss' user. It assumes you want to set it up in '/srv/piuparts.debian.org' and does all further updates from git as well as the initial installation. It needs the piupartss and piupartsm user set up as described below, though.
-* mkdir /srv/piuparts.debian.org
-* sudo ln -s /srv/piuparts.debian.org/etc/piuparts /etc/piuparts
=== Apache configuration
-(Any other webserver will do.)
+Any other webserver will do but apache is used on pejacevic (and maintained by DSA):
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName piuparts.debian.org
@@ -91,7 +109,9 @@ piupartss ALL = NOPASSWD: ALL
-== Updating the piuparts installation
+== Running piuparts
+=== Updating the piuparts installation
Updating the master, pejacevic.debian.org:
@@ -105,11 +125,13 @@ Updating the slave, piu-slave-bm-a.debian.org:
holger at piu-slave-bm-a$ sudo su - piupartss update-piuparts-slave-setup bikeshed origin
-== Running piuparts
+=== Running piuparts
-=== Starting and stopping the slave
+==== Starting and stopping the slave
-Run the following script under *your* user account you will start piuparts-slave on pejacevic, piuparts-master will be started automatically by the slave.
+Run the following script under *your* user account you will start
+piuparts-slave on pejacevic, piuparts-master will be started automatically by
+the slave.
holger at pejacevic:~$ sudo -u piupartss -i slave_run
@@ -124,7 +146,7 @@ pressing twice will abort the currently running test (which will be redone).
Clean termination may take some time and can be aborted by a third Ctrl-C,
but that may leave temporary directories and processes around.
-=== Joining an existing slave session
+==== Joining an existing slave session
Run the following script under *your* user account:
@@ -143,14 +165,18 @@ Usertags: piuparts piuparts.d.o
=== Generating reports for the website
-'piuparts-report' is run daily five minutes after midnight from '~piupartsm/crontab' on pejacevic.
+'piuparts-report' is run daily five minutes after midnight from
+'~piupartsm/crontab' on pejacevic.
=== Cronjobs to aid problem spotting
-Some cronjobs to aid problem spotting reside in '~piupartsm/bin/' and are run daily by '~piupartsm/crontab'.
+Some cronjobs to aid problem spotting reside in '~piupartsm/bin/' and are run
+daily by '~piupartsm/crontab'.
-- 'detect_network_issues' should detect failed piuparts runs due to network issues on the host.
-- 'detect_stale_mounts' should detect stale mountpoints (usually of /proc) from failed piuparts runs.
+- 'detect_network_issues' should detect failed piuparts runs due to network
+ issues on the host.
+- 'detect_stale_mounts' should detect stale mountpoints (usually of /proc)
+ from failed piuparts runs.
More checks should be added as we become aware of them.
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index bc99f26..040e391 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -60,14 +60,8 @@ for 0.5x:
- use mirror via nfs (faster)
- do not use eatmydata (we're using tmpfs in RAM anyway, so installing it
just slows things down)
- - ~/bin is not added to PATH
- re-read all documentation carefully and update were needed.
- - cleanup README_pejacevic
-- Drop update-piuparts-setup?
-- update references to piatti with ones to pejacevic
- move counts.txt and sources.txt from htdocs to master
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 805b5e0..185f4f1 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -94,7 +94,8 @@ piuparts (0.51) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
* Provide instance configuration for pejacevic.d.o and piu-slave-bm-a.d.o.
* Move README_piatti.txt and README_pejacevic.txt and update accordingly.
* Provide two new helper scripts for running from git:
- update-piuparts-master-setup and update-piuparts-slave-setup.
+ update-piuparts-master-setup and update-piuparts-slave-setup, drop
+ update-piuparts-setup.
* Drop instances/forward.* files.
* slave-bin/detect_slave_problems: remove check limiting this script to be
run on piatti only.
diff --git a/htdocs/index.tpl b/htdocs/index.tpl
index 61eb156..1f9eae0 100644
--- a/htdocs/index.tpl
+++ b/htdocs/index.tpl
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
<tr class="normalrow">
<td class="contentcell2">
- <b>2013-05-13</b> piuparts.debian.org has been moved to a new hardware and hosting location, now running virtualized on <a href="http://bits.debian.org/2013/04/bytemark-donation.html" target="_blank">this nice cluster</a> at Bytemark. Thanks to the Debian System Administrators for their assistence in setting up the host and maintaining the Debian infrastructure! Also many thanks and kittos to the <a href="http://cs.helsinki.fi/index.en.html" target="_blank">Department of Computer Science</a> at the University of Helsinki, Finland, for hosting piatti.debian.org for so many years!
+ <b>2013-05-13</b> piuparts.debian.org has been moved to a new hardware and hosting location, now running virtualized on <a href="http://bits.debian.org/2013/04/bytemark-donation.html" target="_blank">this nice cluster</a> at Bytemark. Thanks to the Debian System Administrators for their assistence in setting up the host and maintaining the Debian infrastructure! Also many thanks and kittos to the <a href="http://cs.helsinki.fi/index.en.html" target="_blank">Department of Computer Science</a> at the University of Helsinki, Finland, for hosting piatti.debian.org for more than five years!
<tr class="normalrow">
diff --git a/instances/README b/instances/README
index 835815e..f9e356d 100644
--- a/instances/README
+++ b/instances/README
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
This directory contains live config files for real instances, usually
with a .$HOSTNAME suffix. These are not intended for being used in
the piuparts Debian packages (or only in /usr/share/doc/.../examples/).
-The update-piuparts-setup script (run by piupartss) uses them when
-running and updating an instance directly from GIT.
+The update-piuparts-(master|slave)-setup scripts (run by piuparts(s|m)) use
+them when running and updating an instance directly from GIT.
General config files are placed in ../conf/
diff --git a/instances/piuparts.conf.pejacevic b/instances/piuparts.conf.pejacevic
index 459ac85..c1e3f89 100644
--- a/instances/piuparts.conf.pejacevic
+++ b/instances/piuparts.conf.pejacevic
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ sections =
# wheezy2jessie
+# wheezy2bpo2jessie
@@ -161,6 +162,19 @@ upgrade-test-distros = wheezy jessie
log-file = wheezy2jessie.log
+precedence = 4
+piuparts-flags =
+ %(flags-default)s
+ %(flags-start-wheezy)s
+depends-sections = wheezy
+arch = amd64
+area = main
+distro = wheezy-backports
+upgrade-test-distros = wheezy wheezy-backports jessie
+log-file = wheezy2bpo2jessie.log
precedence = 2
piuparts-flags =
@@ -191,11 +205,10 @@ piuparts-flags =
depends-sections = squeeze
-distro = squeeze-backports
arch = amd64
area = main
+distro = squeeze-backports
upgrade-test-distros = squeeze squeeze-backports wheezy
-upgrade-test-chroot-tgz = squeeze.tar.gz
log-file = squeeze2bpo2wheezy.log
diff --git a/instances/piuparts.conf.piatti b/instances/piuparts.conf.piatti
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d037b9..0000000
--- a/instances/piuparts.conf.piatti
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-# This is the configuration file for piuparts running in master-slave mode on piatti.debian.org
-# For more information on this setup see http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=piuparts/piuparts.git;hb=piatti;a=blob;f=README_piatti.txt
-# these are needed always
-flags-base =
-# see http://bugs.debian.org/604807
- --skip-logrotatefiles-test
-# restrict to problems in the package being tested
- --warn-on-others
-# default exceptions
- --scriptsdir /etc/piuparts/scripts
-# we need debsums from bpo-sloppy, until we have this, only emit warnings
- --warn-on-debsums-errors
-# default flags, only warning on leftover files
-flags-default =
- %(flags-base)s
- --warn-on-leftovers-after-purge
-# like default flags, but failing on leftover files
-flags-leftovers =
- %(flags-base)s
-# perform some additional cleanup
- --scriptsdir /etc/piuparts/scripts-leftovers
-# common flags for starting a test in wheezy
-flags-start-wheezy =
-# no flags needed
-# common flags for tests ending in wheezy
-flags-end-wheezy =
-# extra fake-essential packages for successfully purging in wheezy
- --scriptsdir /etc/piuparts/scripts-wheezy
-# debsums failures won't be fixed in wheezy
- --warn-on-debsums-errors
-# common flags for starting a test in squeeze
-flags-start-squeeze =
-# eatmydata was added post-squeeze
- --no-eatmydata
-# up to squeeze a non-empty /etc/shells was shipped, actually installing
-# and removing a shell would remove its entry from /etc/shells
- -i /etc/shells
-# common flags for tests ending in squeeze
-flags-end-squeeze =
-# extra fake-essential packages for successfully purging in squeeze
- --scriptsdir /etc/piuparts/scripts-squeeze
-# debsums failures won't be fixed in squeeze
- --warn-on-debsums-errors
-# common flags for starting a test in lenny
-flags-start-lenny =
-# dpkg --force-unsafe-io was added in squeeze
- --dpkg-noforce-unsafe-io
-# same flags needed as in squeeze
- %(flags-start-squeeze)s
-sections =
- sid
- testing2sid
- sid2experimental
- jessie
-# wheezy2jessie
-# wheezy2bpo2jessie
- wheezy
- squeeze2wheezy
- squeeze2bpo2wheezy
- squeeze
- lenny2squeeze
-mirror = http://piatti.debian.org/debian/
-master-host = localhost
-master-user = piupartsm
-bts-from = piuparts-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org
-master-command = /srv/piuparts.debian.org/share/piuparts/piuparts-master
-piuparts-command =
- sudo
- timeout -s INT -k 5m 35m
- /srv/piuparts.debian.org/sbin/piuparts
-PYTHONPATH = /srv/piuparts.debian.org/lib/python2.6/dist-packages:/srv/piuparts.debian.org/lib/python2.7/dist-packages
-master-directory = /srv/piuparts.debian.org/master
-slave-directory = /srv/piuparts.debian.org/slave
-basetgz-directory = /srv/piuparts.debian.org/slave/basetgz
-output-directory = /srv/piuparts.debian.org/htdocs
-known-problem-directory = /srv/piuparts.debian.org/share/piuparts/known_problems
-backup-directory = /srv/piuparts.debian.org/backup
-tmpdir = /srv/piuparts.debian.org/tmp
-doc-root = /
-# 30*60
-idle-sleep = 1800
-max-tgz-age = 0
-max-reserved = 50
-# rescheduling settings
-expire-old-days = 120
-reschedule-old-days = 90
-reschedule-old-count = 150
-expire-fail-days = 15
-reschedule-fail-days = 10
-reschedule-fail-count = 15
-precedence = 1
-description = + Fails if there are leftover files after purge.
-piuparts-flags =
- %(flags-leftovers)s
-# Once there are no packages left which leave files on purge behind,
-# --pedantic-purge-test should be added
-distro = sid
-log-file = sid.log
-# 3 days (60*60*24*3)
-max-tgz-age = 259200
-precedence = 2
-piuparts-flags =
- %(flags-default)s
-distro = testing
-upgrade-test-distros = testing sid
-reschedule-old-count = 0
-log-file = testing2sid.log
-precedence = 6
-piuparts-flags =
- %(flags-default)s
-depends-sections = sid
-distro = experimental
-arch = amd64
-area = main
-upgrade-test-distros = sid experimental
-log-file = sid2experimental.log
-precedence = 2
-piuparts-flags =
- %(flags-default)s
-distro = jessie
-log-file = jessie.log
-# 1 week (60*60*24*7)
-max-tgz-age = 604800
-precedence = 3
-piuparts-flags =
- %(flags-default)s
- %(flags-start-wheezy)s
-distro = wheezy
-upgrade-test-distros = wheezy jessie
-log-file = wheezy2jessie.log
-precedence = 4
-piuparts-flags =
- %(flags-default)s
- %(flags-start-wheezy)s
-depends-sections = wheezy
-arch = amd64
-area = main
-distro = wheezy-backports
-upgrade-test-distros = wheezy wheezy-backports jessie
-log-file = wheezy2bpo2jessie.log
-precedence = 2
-piuparts-flags =
- %(flags-default)s
- %(flags-start-wheezy)s
- %(flags-end-wheezy)s
-distro = wheezy
-log-file = wheezy.log
-# 1 month (60*60*24*30)
-max-tgz-age = 2592000
-precedence = 4
-piuparts-flags =
- %(flags-default)s
- %(flags-start-squeeze)s
- %(flags-end-wheezy)s
-distro = squeeze
-upgrade-test-distros = squeeze wheezy
-log-file = squeeze2wheezy.log
-precedence = 4
-piuparts-flags =
- %(flags-default)s
- %(flags-start-squeeze)s
- %(flags-end-wheezy)s
-depends-sections = squeeze
-arch = amd64
-area = main
-distro = squeeze-backports
-upgrade-test-distros = squeeze squeeze-backports wheezy
-log-file = squeeze2bpo2wheezy.log
-precedence = 5
-# precedence should be 6
-piuparts-flags =
- %(flags-default)s
- %(flags-start-squeeze)s
- %(flags-end-squeeze)s
-distro = squeeze
-reschedule-old-count = 50
-log-file = squeeze.log
-# 1 month (60*60*24*30)
-max-tgz-age = 2592000
-precedence = 5
-# precedence was and should be 99
-piuparts-flags =
- %(flags-default)s
- %(flags-start-lenny)s
- %(flags-end-squeeze)s
-distro = lenny
-upgrade-test-distros = lenny squeeze
-reschedule-old-count = 0
-reschedule-fail-count = 0
-log-file = lenny2squeeze.log
diff --git a/update-piuparts-setup b/update-piuparts-setup
deleted file mode 100755
index 0464ce7..0000000
--- a/update-piuparts-setup
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-# update piuparts setup on piatti.debian.org
-# Copyright 2009-2013 Holger Levsen (holger at layer-acht.org)
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-# option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-if [ "`id -n -u`" != "piupartss" ] ; then
- echo please run this script as piupartss user
- exit 1
-# please cleanup yourself
-if [ -d piatti ] ; then
- echo please rm ~/piatti manually
-if [ ! -d $PIUPARTS_PREFIX ] ; then
- sudo mkdir -p $PIUPARTS_PREFIX
- sudo chown piupartss:piuparts $PIUPARTS_PREFIX
- sudo chmod 0775 $PIUPARTS_PREFIX
-# update source
-if [ ! -d $PIUPARTS_PREFIX/src ] ; then
- mkdir -p $PIUPARTS_PREFIX/src
- chmod 0755 $PIUPARTS_PREFIX/src
- git clone git://git.debian.org/git/piuparts/piuparts.git
- cd piuparts
- git checkout develop
-cd $PIUPARTS_PREFIX/src/piuparts
-# git checkout branch if $1 is given
-if [ ! -z "$1" ] ; then
- git checkout $1
-# git fetch+pull if $2 is given
-if [ ! -z "$2" ] ; then
- git fetch $2
- git pull $2 $1
-# install everything from GIT into PIUPARTS_PREFIX
-make clean
-make prefix=$PIUPARTS_PREFIX \
- build build-doc
-sudo make prefix=$PIUPARTS_PREFIX \
- docdir=$PIUPARTS_HTDOCS/doc \
- htdocsdir=$PIUPARTS_HTDOCS \
- install install-doc install-conf-4-running-from-git
-make clean
-# install copies of the weather icons
-# to avoid needing FollowSymlinks in the apache config
-for icon in weather-severe-alert.png sunny.png
- if [ -h $PIUPARTS_HTDOCS/images/$icon ] ; then
- sudo rm -f $PIUPARTS_HTDOCS/images/$icon
- fi
- if [ -e /usr/share/icons/Tango/24x24/status/$icon ] ; then
- sudo cp -f /usr/share/icons/Tango/24x24/status/$icon $PIUPARTS_HTDOCS/images/$icon
- fi
-mkdir -p master slave slave/basetgz backup
-sudo chown piupartss:piuparts slave slave/basetgz
-sudo chown piupartsm:piuparts master htdocs backup
-# to support multiple hosts with this setup
-cd $PIUPARTS_PREFIX/etc/piuparts
-sudo chown piupartss:piuparts . piuparts.conf.*
-chmod 0664 piuparts.conf.*
-for f in piuparts.conf
- ln -sf $f.$HOSTNAME $f
-# create working dir
-# update slave home
-test ! -L bin || rm bin
-test ! -d bin || mv bin bin.old
-ln -sf $PIUPARTS_PREFIX/share/piuparts/slave bin
-crontab $PIUPARTS_PREFIX/etc/piuparts/crontab-slave
-# update master home
-ssh piupartsm at localhost "
-set -e
-test ! -L bin || rm bin
-test ! -d bin || mv bin bin.old
-ln -sf $PIUPARTS_PREFIX/share/piuparts/master bin
-crontab $PIUPARTS_PREFIX/etc/piuparts/crontab-master
-echo "Update finished."
piuparts git repository
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