[Piuparts-commits] [SCM] piuparts git repository branch, master, updated. 0.51
David Steele
dsteele at gmail.com
Wed May 15 10:09:34 UTC 2013
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 385ac72ddb6566abd0f5814cd42cfbcd9fbd0d5b
Author: David Steele <dsteele at gmail.com>
Date: Wed Jan 9 21:33:00 2013 -0500
detect_well_known_errors.py - Create missing kpr files.
diff --git a/master-bin/detect_well_known_errors.py b/master-bin/detect_well_known_errors.py
index 2d50655..dcb2d96 100755
--- a/master-bin/detect_well_known_errors.py
+++ b/master-bin/detect_well_known_errors.py
@@ -82,6 +82,14 @@ def get_where( logpath ):
"""Convert a path to a log file to the 'where' component (e.g. 'pass')"""
return( logpath.split('/')[-2] )
+def replace_ext( fpath, newext ):
+ basename = os.path.splitext( os.path.split(fpath)[1] )[0]
+ return('/'.join( fpath.split('/')[:-1] + [basename + newext] ))
+def get_kpr_path( logpath ):
+ """Return the kpr file path for a particular log path"""
+ return( replace_ext( logpath, KPR_EXT ) )
def get_file_dict( workdirs, ext ):
"""For files in [workdirs] with extension 'ext', create a dict of
<pkgname>_<version>: <path>"""
@@ -118,6 +126,35 @@ def clean_cache_files( logdict, cachedict, skipnewer=False ):
return( count )
+def make_kprs( logdict, kprdict, problem_list ):
+ """Create kpr files, as necessary, so every log file has one
+ kpr entries are e.g.
+ fail/xorg-docs_1:1.6-1.log broken_symlinks_error.conf"""
+ needs_kpr = set(logdict.keys()).difference(set(kprdict.keys()))
+ for pkg_spec in needs_kpr:
+ logpath = logdict[pkg_spec]
+ try:
+ lb = open( logpath, 'r' )
+ logbody = lb.read()
+ lb.close()
+ where = get_where( logpath )
+ kf = open( get_kpr_path(logpath), 'a')
+ for problem in problem_list:
+ if( problem.has_problem( logbody, where ) ):
+ kf.write( "%s/%s.log %s\n" % (where, pkg_spec, problem.name) )
+ kf.close()
+ except IOError:
+ print "File error processing %s" % logpath
+ return( len(needs_kpr) )
def process_section( section, config, problem_list ):
""" Update .bug and .kpr files for logs in this section """
@@ -135,6 +172,10 @@ def process_section( section, config, problem_list ):
del_cnt = clean_cache_files( logdict, kprdict )
clean_cache_files( logdict, bugdict, True )
+ (kprdict, bugdict) = [get_file_dict(workdirs,x) for x in [KPR_EXT, BUG_EXT]]
+ add_cnt = make_kprs( logdict, kprdict, problem_list )
def detect_well_known_errors( config, problem_list ):
for section in config['sections'].split(" "):
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