[Piuparts-commits] [SCM] piuparts git repository branch, master, updated. 0.51
David Steele
dsteele at gmail.com
Wed May 15 10:09:53 UTC 2013
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit eb90ec2adc98f6a6a2b034d87e8020f68b17b74a
Author: David Steele <dsteele at gmail.com>
Date: Wed Apr 17 18:59:54 2013 -0400
detect_well_known_errors - Sort by bugged status first.
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index f011d25..19c3f68 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -59,7 +59,8 @@ piuparts (0.51) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
[ David Steele ]
* detect_well_known_errors:
- Replace the bash script with an equivalent Python script.
- - Sort known error and issue packages by reverse dependency count.
+ - Sort known error and issue packages by reverse dependency count,
+ separating bugged from everything else.
(Closes: #698526)
- Add a PTS link to issue and error summary entries.
- Replace the known_problem COMMAND with INCLUDE and EXCLUDE, and replace
diff --git a/master-bin/detect_well_known_errors b/master-bin/detect_well_known_errors
index 5cf0577..82ac205 100755
--- a/master-bin/detect_well_known_errors
+++ b/master-bin/detect_well_known_errors
@@ -202,16 +202,19 @@ class FailureManager():
def sort_by_path( self ):
self.failures.sort(key=lambda x: self.logdict[x.pkgspec])
- def sort_by_rdeps( self, pkgsdb ):
+ def sort_by_bugged_and_rdeps( self, pkgsdb ):
self.pkgsdb = pkgsdb
def keyfunc( x, pkgsdb=self.pkgsdb, logdict=self.logdict):
- rdeps = pkgsdb.get_package(get_pkg(x.pkgspec)).rrdep_count()
+ pkg_name = get_pkg(x.pkgspec)
+ rdeps = pkgsdb.get_package(pkg_name).rrdep_count()
except KeyError:
rdeps = 0
- return( (-rdeps, logdict[x.pkgspec]) )
+ is_failed = get_where(logdict[x.pkgspec]) == "fail"
+ return( (not is_failed, -rdeps, logdict[x.pkgspec]) )
self.failures.sort( key=keyfunc )
@@ -347,6 +350,7 @@ def populate_tpl( tmpl, vals ):
def update_tpl( basedir, section, problem, failures, logdict, ftpl, ptpl, pkgsdb ):
pkg_text = ""
+ bugged_section = False
for failure in failures:
pkgspec = failure.pkgspec
@@ -358,6 +362,10 @@ def update_tpl( basedir, section, problem, failures, logdict, ftpl, ptpl, pkgsdb
src_pkg = bin_pkg
rdep_cnt = 0
+ if (not bugged_section) and "bugged" in logdict[pkgspec]:
+ bugged_section = True
+ pkg_text += "<br>\n"
pkg_text += populate_tpl(ftpl, {
'LOG': section_path(logdict[pkgspec]),
'PACKAGE': bin_pkg,
@@ -402,11 +410,14 @@ def update_html( section, logdict, problem_list, failures, config, pkgsdb ):
def keyfunc( x, pkgsdb=pkgsdb, logdict=logdict):
- rdeps = pkgsdb.get_package(get_pkg(x.pkgspec)).rrdep_count()
+ pkg_name = get_pkg(x.pkgspec)
+ rdeps = pkgsdb.get_package(pkg_name).rrdep_count()
except KeyError:
rdeps = 0
- return( (-rdeps, logdict[x.pkgspec]) )
+ is_failed = get_where(logdict[x.pkgspec]) == "fail"
+ return( (not is_failed, -rdeps, logdict[x.pkgspec]) )
unknownsasfailures.sort( key=keyfunc )
@@ -462,7 +473,7 @@ def process_section( section, config, problem_list,
failures = FailureManager( logdict )
- failures.sort_by_rdeps(pkgsdb)
+ failures.sort_by_bugged_and_rdeps(pkgsdb)
update_html( section, logdict, problem_list, failures, config, pkgsdb )
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