[Piuparts-commits] [piuparts] branch master updated (02cb5b7 -> 63514d4)

Holger Levsen holger at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Dec 3 19:02:06 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

holger pushed a change to branch master
in repository piuparts.

      from  02cb5b7   release as 0.60 to sid
      adds  69325c0   start 0.61
      adds  721571a   Bug#767485: [PATCH] Support new scripts directive 'post_chroot_unpack'
      adds  3c2b8bc   add changelog entry for #767485, thanks Michael
      adds  b896a6f   piuparts.py: Add "/var/cache/apt/archives/partial/" to ignored files. (Closes: #767489)
      adds  087ca50   Detect four more (in)adequate issues. (Closes: #767499)
      adds  19a29af   use past tense to clarify we dont use that branch anymore
      adds  da06220   distros.conf: remove unneeded URI for squeeze-lts, it just uses the default repository.
      adds  c7853e0   instances/pejacevic+slaves: do not reschedule passed squeeze logs anymore.
      adds  f5e145a   sort squeeze2squeeze-lts before squeeze in the navigation bar
      adds  f4a90cf   harmonize capitalisation
      adds  7450ec7   custom-scripts/scripts/post_purge_exceptions and pre_remove_exceptions: apply systemd exceptions for wheezy* and not only wheezy.
      adds  f53ed7c   p: ignore dangling symlink /etc/modules-load.d/modules.conf
      adds  4e52184   scripts: reorder and rewrap the package lists for some exceptions
      adds  4cfae90   scripts: enable foreign architectures for cross-toolchains
      adds  04535b4   known_problems: rename misnamed *.tpl to *.conf
      adds  101daec   known_problems: rename for consistency and regroup logically
      adds  160724b   scripts: rework file-rc and upstart exceptions
      adds  0ce16d4   use 'AddDefaultCharset utf-8' to mark the logfiles as UTF-8
      adds  bb15ca3   databases are required for bareos, icinga2, neutron, tuskar
      adds  8f7f788   update special cases for experimental
      adds  d79a3b7   fix typos, spacing etc.
      adds  faa8b55   scripts: rework systemd-sysv and upstart exceptions
      adds  fcef71a   revert the systemd-shim/sysvinit-core exceptions
      adds  26388eb   scripts: handle init system switching in nodocs tests
      adds  52d7eba   p: create /etc/resolv.conf with only nameserver entries
      adds  1ff3858   lib/dwke: fix parsing known_problem definitions using EXCLUDE_PATTERN
      adds  32290c4   update special cases for experimental
      adds  cf2b261   scripts: enable foreign architectures for crossbuild-essential-*
      adds  823855e   scripts: report unowned links in [/usr]/lib[/<triplet>]
      adds  5e77396   known_problems: report unowned symlinks in lib directories
      adds  92fa96c   fix tpyo
      adds  0e2e892   detect_piuparts_issues: look for a new tar error message
      adds  75048bd   use mysql for otrs2 installation in squeeze
      adds  562a010   p: preserve domain setting in /etc/resolv.conf
      adds  983d8ab   add purge workaround for polgen-doc (lenny, non-free)
      adds  d11109a   scripts-leftovers: enable database purging for more mysql servers
      adds  211a3fb   scripts: update special cases for experimental
      adds  380c919   Revert "custom-scripts: add debugging output for resolvconf. (See #660350)"
      adds  8c7a83d   scripts: remove debugging output for resolvconf
      adds  0e92e84   distros.conf: add *updates, *backports, *proposed for jessie
      adds  6764c67   p.conf.anbe: update various limits
      adds  a7adcc1   add changelog entry for scripts updates
      adds  2d11ff4   add trailing colons to bug template subjects to encourage giving more details
      adds  51d1a44   add fails_to_upgrade_from_jessie* bug templates
      adds  6d1bbb6   post_distupgrade_exceptions: handle db5.1-util like db4.8-util
      adds  f3bb381   distros.conf: switch 'testing' to 'stretch', deactivate it for stable
      adds  547f5fb   p-s: sleep a bit if basetgz creation is in progress or failed
      adds  b98c55b   drop .sh suffix from example script
      adds  3e5c332   make script executable like all the others
      adds  786be1d   p.conf: add flags-start-jessie, flags-end-jessie variables
      adds  224cc17   scripts-jessie: make ucf fake-essential
      adds  2da1941   scripts-jessie: make init-system-helpers fake-essential
      adds  da19499   scripts-leftovers: handle fake essential packages consistently
      adds  bc72f49   p.conf: enable --warn-on-debsums-errors for wheezy2jessie upgrades
      adds  2396bb4   improve changelog entries
      adds  960e73e   p.conf.anbe: flags-start-jessie/flags-end-jessie/-upgrade
      adds  d0fa359   p.conf.anbe: [jessie-pu] (jessie-proposed-updates)
      adds  c3b42fa   p.conf.anbe: [jessie-security] (jessie/updates)
      adds  22c5cd8   p.conf.anbe: [jessie-updates]
      adds  3528a1c   p.conf.anbe: [squeeze-security] (squeeze/updates)
      adds  de033ed   p.conf.anbe: [squeeze-updates]
      adds  06e1345   p.conf.anbe: [squeeze-pu] (squeeze-proposed-updates)
      adds  574c2a3   p.conf.anbe: [wheezy-pu] (wheezy-proposed-updates)
      adds  c9fa56f   p.conf.anbe: [wheezy-security]
      adds  efcd354   p.conf.anbe: [wheezy-updates]
      adds  8a4f9fc   p.conf.anbe: [squeeze-proposed] (squeeze + squeeze/updates + squeeze-proposed-updates)
      adds  d478a4d   p.conf.anbe: [squeeze-backports]
      adds  7cef7e5   p.conf.anbe: [squeeze-backports-sloppy]
      adds  1e08510   p.conf.anbe: [wheezy-backports]
      adds  dae3f11   p.conf.anbe: [lenny]
      adds  a30a4f4   p.conf.anbe: [lenny2squeeze]
      adds  2626a4e   p.conf.anbe: [squeeze2proposed]
      adds  1deb463   p.conf.anbe: [squeeze2wheezy-rcmd] (--enable-recommends)
      adds  c3e99d2   p.conf.anbe: [squeeze2wheezy-pu]
      adds  188ead0   p.conf.anbe: [squeeze2bpo2wheezy]
      adds  35f1d41   p.conf.anbe: [wheezy2proposed]
      adds  cf5fea5   p.conf.anbe: [wheezy2jessie]
      adds  06c94e5   p.conf.anbe: [wheezy2bpo2jessie]
      adds  2d676db   p.conf.anbe: [stretch]
      adds  719cd9f   p.conf.anbe: [stretch-pu] (stretch-proposed-updates)
      adds  4bcd5a2   p.conf.anbe: [jessie2stretch]
      adds  428d16e   p: only clear comments and whitespace from the host's resolv.conf
      adds  4903013   p.conf: no longer regenerate squeeze basetgz regularily
      adds  dead2d5   p.conf.anbe: [jessie-backports]
      adds  a052d84   p.conf.anbe: [jessie2bpo2stretch]
      adds  d11a07c   p.conf.anbe: [jessie2sid]
      adds  408f052   p.conf.anbe: [lenny222testing]
      adds  a5fa4a6   p.conf.anbe: [squeeze222testing]
      adds  ba64414   p.conf.anbe: [wheezy222testing]
      adds  cf6f013   distros.conf: add alias [stable] (not active)
      adds  e250065   p.conf.anbe: [stable2sid]
      adds  5f944ee   p.conf.anbe: [stable2testing2sid]
       new  63514d4   release 0.61

The 1 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 README.txt                                         |    3 +
 README_pejacevic.txt                               |    3 +-
 README_server.txt                                  |    2 +-
 TODO                                               |    4 +
 bug-templates/fails_to_install.mail                |    2 +-
 bug-templates/fails_to_purge.mail                  |    2 +-
 bug-templates/fails_to_remove.mail                 |    2 +-
 ...eeze.mail => fails_to_upgrade_from_jessie.mail} |    6 +-
 ...upgrade_from_jessie_-_trying_to_overwrite.mail} |    6 +-
 bug-templates/fails_to_upgrade_from_lenny.mail     |    2 +-
 bug-templates/fails_to_upgrade_from_squeeze.mail   |    2 +-
 ...upgrade_from_squeeze_-_trying_to_overwrite.mail |    2 +-
 bug-templates/fails_to_upgrade_from_wheezy.mail    |    2 +-
 bug-templates/leaves_alternatives_after_purge.mail |    2 +-
 .../modifying_files_from_another_package.mail      |    2 +-
 .../owned_after_purge_policy_6.8_+_10.7.3.mail     |    2 +-
 ...wned_files_after_purge_policy_6.8_+_10.7.3.mail |    2 +-
 bug-templates/postinst_uses_usr_share_doc.mail     |    2 +-
 ...ffiles_which_were_not_modified_by_the_user.mail |    2 +-
 bug-templates/removal_makes_files_disappear.mail   |    2 +-
 ...wned_files_after_purge_policy_6.8_and_10.8.mail |    2 +-
 ...ge_policy_6.8_violating_FHS_policy_9.1_too.mail |    2 +-
 ..._files_in_usr_local_after_purge_policy_6.8.mail |    2 +-
 conf/distros.conf                                  |   35 +-
 conf/piuparts-master.conf                          |    4 +-
 .../post_setup_jessie-fake-essential               |   32 +
 .../scripts-leftovers/post_remove_cleanup          |    3 -
 .../scripts-leftovers/post_setup_fake-essential    |    6 +-
 .../scripts-leftovers/pre_remove_preseed_cleanup   |    3 +
 .../post_setup_disable_usr_share_doc               |   14 +
 .../post_chroot_unpack_key_setup                   |    9 +
 custom-scripts/scripts/post_distupgrade_exceptions |   17 +
 .../scripts/post_distupgrade_experimental          |    8 +-
 custom-scripts/scripts/post_purge_exceptions       |   30 +-
 custom-scripts/scripts/post_remove_exceptions      |   18 +
 custom-scripts/scripts/post_remove_extras          |   17 -
 custom-scripts/scripts/pre_distupgrade_exceptions  |   13 +
 custom-scripts/scripts/pre_install_database-server |   30 +-
 custom-scripts/scripts/pre_install_exceptions      |  123 +-
 custom-scripts/scripts/pre_install_extras          |   14 +-
 .../scripts/pre_install_foreign_architecture       |   45 +
 .../scripts/pre_remove_40_find_unowned_lib_links   |   15 +
 custom-scripts/scripts/pre_remove_exceptions       |   16 -
 debian/changelog                                   |   62 +-
 debian/piuparts.maintscript                        |    1 +
 htdocs/index.tpl                                   |    2 +-
 instances/piuparts.conf.anbe                       | 1388 +++++++++++++++++++-
 instances/piuparts.conf.goldwasser                 |    2 -
 instances/piuparts.conf.lamarr                     |    2 -
 instances/piuparts.conf.pejacevic                  |   32 +-
 instances/piuparts.conf.piu-slave-1und1-01         |    6 +-
 .../broken_binfmt_detector_inadequate_issue.conf   |   11 +
 ...broken_binfmt_interpreter_inadequate_issue.conf |   11 +
 .../missing_alternative_inadequate_issue.conf      |   11 +
 known_problems/module_build_error_issue.conf       |    2 +-
 .../program_name_collision_inadequate_issue.conf   |   11 +
 known_problems/unowned_lib_symlink_error.conf      |   12 +
 known_problems/unowned_lib_symlink_issue.conf      |   12 +
 master-bin/detect_piuparts_issues.in               |    1 +
 piuparts-report.py                                 |   10 +-
 piuparts-slave.py                                  |    2 +
 piuparts.1.txt                                     |    2 +-
 piuparts.py                                        |   37 +-
 piupartslib/dwke.py                                |    2 +-
 64 files changed, 1922 insertions(+), 207 deletions(-)
 copy bug-templates/{fails_to_upgrade_from_squeeze.mail => fails_to_upgrade_from_jessie.mail} (69%)
 copy bug-templates/{fails_to_upgrade_from_squeeze_-_trying_to_overwrite.mail => fails_to_upgrade_from_jessie_-_trying_to_overwrite.mail} (76%)
 create mode 100755 custom-scripts/scripts-jessie/post_setup_jessie-fake-essential
 create mode 100755 custom-scripts/scripts-unused-examples/post_chroot_unpack_key_setup
 create mode 100755 custom-scripts/scripts/post_remove_exceptions
 delete mode 100755 custom-scripts/scripts/post_remove_extras
 create mode 100755 custom-scripts/scripts/pre_install_foreign_architecture
 create mode 100755 custom-scripts/scripts/pre_remove_40_find_unowned_lib_links
 create mode 100644 known_problems/broken_binfmt_detector_inadequate_issue.conf
 create mode 100644 known_problems/broken_binfmt_interpreter_inadequate_issue.conf
 create mode 100644 known_problems/missing_alternative_inadequate_issue.conf
 create mode 100644 known_problems/program_name_collision_inadequate_issue.conf
 create mode 100644 known_problems/unowned_lib_symlink_error.conf
 create mode 100644 known_problems/unowned_lib_symlink_issue.conf

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/piuparts/piuparts.git

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