[Piuparts-commits] [piuparts] 02/02: remove install-info workarounds that are fixed via Conflicts in dpkg

Holger Levsen holger at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Mar 5 21:01:18 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

holger pushed a commit to branch develop
in repository piuparts.

commit 507869783cbe1d38a531be19286956b23ace5134
Author: Andreas Beckmann <anbe at debian.org>
Date:   Thu Mar 5 21:49:19 2015 +0100

    remove install-info workarounds that are fixed via Conflicts in dpkg
    Signed-off-by: Andreas Beckmann <anbe at debian.org>
 custom-scripts/scripts/pre_distupgrade_exceptions | 23 -----------------------
 1 file changed, 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/custom-scripts/scripts/pre_distupgrade_exceptions b/custom-scripts/scripts/pre_distupgrade_exceptions
index 38e6896..21d6cc9 100755
--- a/custom-scripts/scripts/pre_distupgrade_exceptions
+++ b/custom-scripts/scripts/pre_distupgrade_exceptions
@@ -48,29 +48,6 @@ if [ "$PIUPARTS_DISTRIBUTION_NEXT" = "wheezy" ]; then
-if [ "$PIUPARTS_DISTRIBUTION_NEXT" = "jessie" ]; then
-	# dpkg/jessie no longer ships install-info
-	# which causes problems while removing packages from squeeze
-	# or earlier that no longer exist in wheezy or jessie
-	# (using the install-info package from jessie is not possible
-	# due to interface incompatibilities)
-	case ${PIUPARTS_OBJECTS%%=*} in
-		octave3.2-info)
-			# octave3.2-info was removed after squeeze
-			log_debug
-			dpkg --remove octave3.2-info
-			;;
-		polgen-doc)
-			# polgen-doc was removed after lenny
-			log_debug
-			dpkg --remove polgen-doc
-			;;
-	esac
 if [ "$PIUPARTS_DISTRIBUTION_NEXT" = "experimental" ]; then

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/piuparts/piuparts.git

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