[Piuparts-commits] [piuparts] 01/01: Add instances/piuparts.conf.piu-slave-ubc-01 based on piuparts.conf.pejacevic, with the only change being the Debian mirror.

Holger Levsen holger at layer-acht.org
Sat Feb 25 20:06:05 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

holger pushed a commit to branch develop
in repository piuparts.

commit 4f2a5ea9912a5d0ef05f1e7dc999147cfbe40122
Author: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>
Date:   Sat Feb 25 21:05:38 2017 +0100

    Add instances/piuparts.conf.piu-slave-ubc-01 based on piuparts.conf.pejacevic, with the only change being the Debian mirror.
    Signed-off-by: Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org>
 debian/changelog                         |   7 +-
 instances/piuparts.conf.piu-slave-ubc-01 | 630 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 633 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index cabbf1f..9c2c357 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -12,10 +12,11 @@ piuparts (0.76) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
     started than defined in the configuration. Also add a check to ensure that
     this optional argument is an integer and within the defined maximum number
     of slaves.
-  * piuparty.py: apply patch from Maxime Lareo to allow usage of
+  * piuparts.py: apply patch from Maxime Lareo to allow usage of
     --keep-sources-list without --basetgz. (Closes: #841157)
-  * Add instances/piuparts.conf.piu-slave-ubc-01 as a link, just like
-    piu-slave-bm-a. Thanks to DSA for setting up this 2nd test node!
+  * Add instances/piuparts.conf.piu-slave-ubc-01 based on
+    piuparts.conf.pejacevic, with the only change being the Debian mirror.
+    Thanks to DSA for setting up this 2nd test node!
  -- Andreas Beckmann <anbe at debian.org>  Mon, 06 Feb 2017 01:11:27 +0100
diff --git a/instances/piuparts.conf.piu-slave-ubc-01 b/instances/piuparts.conf.piu-slave-ubc-01
deleted file mode 120000
index 370ba2f..0000000
--- a/instances/piuparts.conf.piu-slave-ubc-01
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/instances/piuparts.conf.piu-slave-ubc-01 b/instances/piuparts.conf.piu-slave-ubc-01
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6032b5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/instances/piuparts.conf.piu-slave-ubc-01
@@ -0,0 +1,629 @@
+# This is the configuration file for piuparts running in master-slave mode on pejacevic.debian.org (as master) and piu-slave-bm-a.debian.org (as slave).
+# For more information on this setup see https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/piuparts/piuparts.git/tree/README_pejacevic.txt
+# these are needed always
+flags-base =
+# see https://bugs.debian.org/604807
+	--skip-logrotatefiles-test
+# restrict to problems in the package being tested
+	--warn-on-others
+# default exceptions
+	--scriptsdir /etc/piuparts/scripts
+# pejacevic's slaves are doing everything relevant on a ramdisk anyway
+	--no-eatmydata
+# allow starting database servers
+	--allow-database
+# default flags, only warning on leftover files
+flags-default =
+	%(flags-base)s
+	--warn-on-leftovers-after-purge
+# like default flags, but failing on leftover files
+flags-leftovers =
+	%(flags-base)s
+# perform some additional cleanup
+	--scriptsdir /etc/piuparts/scripts-leftovers
+# common flags for tests starting in stretch
+flags-start-stretch =
+# no flags needed
+# common flags for tests ending in stretch
+flags-end-stretch =
+# no flags needed
+# common flags for tests starting in jessie
+flags-start-jessie =
+# no flags needed
+# common flags for tests ending in jessie
+flags-end-jessie =
+# extra fake-essential packages for successfully purging in jessie
+	--scriptsdir /etc/piuparts/scripts-jessie
+# debsums failures won't be fixed in jessie, mostly related to
+# obsolete/renamed conffiles that moved to different packages
+	--warn-on-debsums-errors
+# common flags for tests starting in wheezy
+flags-start-wheezy =
+# no flags needed
+# common flags for tests ending in wheezy
+flags-end-wheezy =
+# extra fake-essential packages for successfully purging in wheezy
+	--scriptsdir /etc/piuparts/scripts-wheezy
+# debsums failures won't be fixed in wheezy
+	--warn-on-debsums-errors
+# common flags for tests starting in squeeze
+flags-start-squeeze =
+# up to squeeze a non-empty /etc/shells was shipped, actually installing
+# and removing a shell would remove its entry from /etc/shells
+	-i /etc/shells
+# squeeze has been archived
+	--no-check-valid-until
+# common flags for tests ending in squeeze
+flags-end-squeeze =
+# extra fake-essential packages for successfully purging in squeeze
+	--scriptsdir /etc/piuparts/scripts-squeeze
+# debsums failures won't be fixed in squeeze
+	--warn-on-debsums-errors
+# common flags for tests starting in lenny
+flags-start-lenny =
+# dpkg --force-unsafe-io was added in squeeze
+	--dpkg-noforce-unsafe-io
+# same flags needed as in squeeze
+        %(flags-start-squeeze)s
+basetgz-sections =
+	tarball/sid
+	tarball/stretch
+	tarball/jessie
+	tarball/wheezy
+	tarball/squeeze
+	tarball/lenny
+sections =
+	experimental
+	sid2experimental
+	sid
+	sid-strict
+	sid-nodoc
+	testing2sid
+	stretch
+	stretch-rcmd
+	stretch-security
+	stretch-pu
+#	stretch-proposed
+#	stretch2proposed
+	jessie2stretch
+	jessie2stretch-rcmd
+	jessie2bpo2stretch
+	jessie2bpo
+	jessie
+	jessie-rcmd
+	jessie-security
+	jessie-pu
+#	jessie-proposed
+	jessie2proposed
+	wheezy2jessie
+	wheezy2jessie-rcmd
+	wheezy2bpo2jessie
+#	wheezy-proposed
+	wheezy2proposed
+	wheezy
+	wheezy-security
+	wheezy-pu
+	squeeze2wheezy-proposed
+	squeeze2wheezy
+	squeeze2bpo-sloppy
+	squeeze2bpo2wheezy
+	squeeze2squeeze-lts
+	squeeze
+	lenny2squeeze
+mirror = http://mirror-ubc.debian.org/debian/
+master-host = pejacevic.debian.org
+master-user = piupartsm
+bts-from = piuparts-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org
+master-command = /srv/piuparts.debian.org/share/piuparts/piuparts-master
+piuparts-command =
+	sudo
+	timeout -s INT -k 5m 80m
+	/srv/piuparts.debian.org/sbin/piuparts
+PYTHONPATH = /srv/piuparts.debian.org/lib/python2.7/dist-packages
+master-directory = /srv/piuparts.debian.org/master
+slave-directory = /srv/piuparts.debian.org/slave
+basetgz-directory = /srv/piuparts.debian.org/slave/basetgz
+output-directory = /srv/piuparts.debian.org/htdocs
+backup-directory = /srv/piuparts.debian.org/backup
+tmpdir = /srv/piuparts.debian.org/tmp
+doc-root = /
+components = main
+arch = amd64
+area = main
+# the slave-count setting is for the slave(s)
+slave-count = 4
+# 30*60
+idle-sleep = 1800
+max-tgz-age = 0
+max-reserved = 100
+# rescheduling settings
+expire-old-days = 120
+reschedule-old-days = 90
+reschedule-old-count = 250
+expire-fail-days = 15
+reschedule-fail-days = 10
+reschedule-fail-count = 50
+reschedule-untestable-days = 1
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+distro = None
+upgrade-test-distros = sid
+# 3 days (60*60*24*3)
+max-tgz-age = 259200
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-stretch)s
+distro = None
+upgrade-test-distros = stretch
+# 1 week (60*60*24*7)
+max-tgz-age = 604800
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-jessie)s
+distro = None
+upgrade-test-distros = jessie
+# 1 month (60*60*24*30)
+max-tgz-age = 2592000
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-wheezy)s
+distro = None
+upgrade-test-distros = wheezy
+# 1 month (60*60*24*30)
+max-tgz-age = 2592000
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-squeeze)s
+distro = None
+upgrade-test-distros = squeeze
+max-tgz-age = 0
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-lenny)s
+distro = None
+upgrade-test-distros = lenny
+max-tgz-age = 0
+precedence = 5
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+distro = experimental
+depends-sections = sid
+precedence = 1
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+distro = sid
+precedence = 4
+json-sections = none
+description = + Fails if there are leftover files after purge.
+piuparts-flags =
+	--install-remove-install
+	%(flags-leftovers)s
+# Once there are no packages left which leave files on purge behind,
+# --pedantic-purge-test should be added
+distro = sid
+precedence = 100
+description = + Testing without files in /usr/share/doc.
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+	--scriptsdir /etc/piuparts/scripts-no-usr-share-doc
+distro = sid
+precedence = 2
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+distro = testing
+upgrade-test-distros = testing sid
+reschedule-old-count = 0
+precedence = 4
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+depends-sections = sid
+distro = experimental
+upgrade-test-distros = sid experimental
+precedence = 3
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-stretch)s
+	%(flags-end-stretch)s
+distro = stretch
+precedence = 10
+json-sections = none
+description = + With recommended packages.
+piuparts-flags =
+	--install-recommends
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-stretch)s
+	%(flags-end-stretch)s
+distro = stretch
+precedence = 3
+json-sections = none
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-stretch)s
+	%(flags-end-stretch)s
+depends-sections = stretch
+distro = stretch/updates
+precedence = 3
+json-sections = none
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-stretch)s
+	%(flags-end-stretch)s
+depends-sections = stretch
+distro = stretch-proposed-updates
+precedence = 3
+json-sections = none
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-stretch)s
+	%(flags-end-stretch)s
+distro = jessie-stretch
+precedence = 3
+json-sections = none
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-stretch)s
+	%(flags-end-stretch)s
+distro = stretch
+upgrade-test-distros = stretch stretch-proposed
+precedence = 3
+json-sections = none
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-jessie)s
+	%(flags-end-stretch)s
+distro = jessie
+upgrade-test-distros = jessie stretch
+precedence = 10
+json-sections = none
+description = + Testing with --install-recommends.
+piuparts-flags =
+	--install-recommends
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-jessie)s
+	%(flags-end-stretch)s
+distro = jessie
+upgrade-test-distros = jessie stretch
+precedence = 3
+json-sections = none
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-jessie)s
+	%(flags-end-stretch)s
+depends-sections = jessie
+distro = jessie-backports
+upgrade-test-distros = jessie jessie-backports stretch
+precedence = 3
+json-sections = none
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-jessie)s
+	%(flags-end-jessie)s
+depends-sections = jessie
+distro = jessie-backports
+upgrade-test-distros = jessie jessie-backports
+precedence = 3
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-jessie)s
+	%(flags-end-jessie)s
+distro = jessie
+precedence = 10
+json-sections = none
+description = + With recommended packages.
+piuparts-flags =
+	--install-recommends
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-jessie)s
+	%(flags-end-jessie)s
+distro = jessie
+precedence = 3
+json-sections = none
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-jessie)s
+	%(flags-end-jessie)s
+depends-sections = jessie
+distro = jessie/updates
+precedence = 3
+json-sections = none
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-jessie)s
+	%(flags-end-jessie)s
+depends-sections = jessie
+distro = jessie-proposed-updates
+precedence = 3
+json-sections = none
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-jessie)s
+	%(flags-end-jessie)s
+distro = jessie-proposed
+precedence = 3
+json-sections = none
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-jessie)s
+	%(flags-end-jessie)s
+distro = jessie
+upgrade-test-distros = jessie jessie-proposed
+precedence = 3
+json-sections = none
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-wheezy)s
+	%(flags-end-jessie)s
+distro = wheezy
+upgrade-test-distros = wheezy jessie
+precedence = 10
+json-sections = none
+description = + Testing with --install-recommends.
+piuparts-flags =
+	--install-recommends
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-wheezy)s
+	%(flags-end-jessie)s
+	-i /usr/lib/dbus-1.0/dbus-daemon-launch-helper
+distro = wheezy
+upgrade-test-distros = wheezy jessie
+precedence = 5
+json-sections = none
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-wheezy)s
+	%(flags-end-jessie)s
+depends-sections = wheezy
+distro = wheezy-backports
+upgrade-test-distros = wheezy wheezy-backports jessie
+precedence = 3
+json-sections = none
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-wheezy)s
+	%(flags-end-wheezy)s
+distro = wheezy
+precedence = 3
+json-sections = none
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-wheezy)s
+	%(flags-end-wheezy)s
+distro = wheezy-proposed
+precedence = 3
+json-sections = none
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-wheezy)s
+	%(flags-end-wheezy)s
+depends-sections = wheezy
+distro = wheezy/updates
+precedence = 3
+json-sections = none
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-wheezy)s
+	%(flags-end-wheezy)s
+depends-sections = wheezy
+distro = wheezy-proposed-updates
+precedence = 3
+json-sections = none
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-wheezy)s
+	%(flags-end-wheezy)s
+distro = wheezy
+upgrade-test-distros = wheezy wheezy-proposed
+precedence = 4
+json-sections = none
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-squeeze)s
+	%(flags-end-wheezy)s
+distro = squeeze
+upgrade-test-distros = squeeze wheezy-proposed
+precedence = 4
+json-sections = none
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-squeeze)s
+	%(flags-end-wheezy)s
+distro = squeeze
+upgrade-test-distros = squeeze wheezy
+precedence = 6
+json-sections = none
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-squeeze)s
+	%(flags-end-wheezy)s
+depends-sections = squeeze
+distro = squeeze-backports
+upgrade-test-distros = squeeze squeeze-backports wheezy
+precedence = 99
+json-sections = none
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-squeeze)s
+	%(flags-end-squeeze)s
+depends-sections = squeeze squeeze2bpo2wheezy
+upgrade-test-distros = squeeze squeeze-backports-sloppy
+reschedule-old-count = 0
+precedence = 99
+json-sections = none
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-squeeze)s
+	%(flags-end-squeeze)s
+distro = squeeze
+reschedule-old-count = 0
+reschedule-fail-count = 0
+precedence = 99
+json-sections = none
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-squeeze)s
+	%(flags-end-squeeze)s
+depends-sections = squeeze
+distro = squeeze-lts
+upgrade-test-distros = squeeze squeeze-lts
+reschedule-old-count = 0
+reschedule-fail-count = 0
+precedence = 99
+json-sections = none
+piuparts-flags =
+	%(flags-default)s
+	%(flags-start-lenny)s
+	%(flags-end-squeeze)s
+distro = lenny
+upgrade-test-distros = lenny squeeze
+reschedule-old-count = 0
+reschedule-fail-count = 0

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/piuparts/piuparts.git

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