[Piuparts-devel] Bug#389223: piuparts: share base with cowbuilder and cache downloaded packages

gregor herrmann gregor+debian at comodo.priv.at
Mon Apr 2 14:30:10 UTC 2007

On Mon, 02 Apr 2007 16:08:32 +0200, Michael Ablassmeier wrote:

> looking at the patch this option does not more than:
>  +            run(["cp", "-al", settings.cowbuilderpath, self.name])
> so it simply copies the chroot from cowbuilders basepath to a new
> directory and uses it, instead of unpacking pbuilders base.tgz. 

I did this after stracing pdebuild with "PDEBUILD_PBUILDER=cowbuilder", 
and seeing that a similar "cp -al ..." happens there, too.

> That
> also explains why cowbuilder doesnt store any aptcache, because its not
> even called.

I'n not sure if caching happens if piupart uses pbuilder's tar.gz
because pbuilder isn't invoked either IIRC but only it's .tar.gz
unpacked instead of using debootstrap.
But anyway, input from piupart/cowbuilder/python experts is highly
appreciated ;-)

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