[Piuparts-devel] [DRAFT] mass bug filing of 'command not found' errors detected by piuparts
Andreas Beckmann
debian at abeckmann.de
Sun Jan 29 21:48:55 UTC 2012
I'm planning to file bugs against all packages that currently fail the
piuparts test with a 'command not found' error in wheezy and sid. Most
of these errors happen during 'postrm purge' phase because non-essential
programs are called by the maintainer script without checking their
The 'command-not-found' failure logs are available from
(needs a patch to be applied on piuparts.d.o get get a useful list there)
The 'postinst-failed' logs (mostly due to command-not-found, so showing
more or less the same packages) are here:
Current statistics of the most common missing commands in failing
piuparts tests:
36 postrm: ucf: not found
18 postrm: deluser: not found
6 postrm: pkill: not found
3 postrm: update-initramfs: not found
3 postrm: ucfr: not found
3 postrm: mktexlsr: not found
3 postrm: db_purge: not found
33 postrm: deluser: not found
31 postrm: ucf: not found
10 postrm: delgroup: not found
6 postrm: pkill: not found
5 postinst: /usr/bin/sqlite3: not found
3 postrm: update-initramfs: not found
3 postrm: ucfr: not found
3 postrm: mktexlsr: not found
3 postrm: dbc_go: not found
3 postrm: db_purge: not found
2 prerm: ps: not found
1 prerm: line 60: stop: command not found
1 postrm: pyversions: not found
1 postrm: openssl: not found
1 postrm: newaliases: not found
1 ./sid/main/fail/openswan-modules-dkms_1:2.6.37-1.log:
/usr/lib/ipsec/_realsetup: 452: /usr/lib/ipsec/_realsetup: ps: not found
First target will be the heavy hitters ucf/ucfr and deluser/delgroup.
I'll file these bugs with Severity: important since having a piuparts
clean archive is a release goal since lenny.
(The postinst failures may get a serious if they cause the installation
to fail.)
The bug report will be based on this template:
during a test with piuparts I noticed your package failed to purge
due to a command not found. According to policy 7.2 you cannot rely
on the depends being available during purge, only the essential
packages are available for sure.
Filing this as important because a.) it's a clear policy violation
(to not clean up at purge) b.) having a piuparts clean archive is a
release goal since lenny and c.) this package being piuparts buggy
blocks packages depending on it from being tested by piuparts (and
thus possibly the detection of more severe problems).
From the attached log (scroll to the bottom...):
Attachment: $PACKAGE_$VERSION.log.gz
The HINT for ucf/ucfr is:
Please see the manpages ucf(1), ucfr(1) and the example maintainer
scripts under /usr/share/doc/ucf/examples/ for correct usage of ucf.
and for deluser/delgroup:
The fix should be easy: your package is using adduser or deluser
from the adduser package, which is only priority important. Using
useradd or userdel from the passwd package should fix this problem.
For the other commands I'll research more information per package.
The logfiles will be checked individually to determine that the
command-not-found is really the most serious error in there (and not a
false positive).
Following is a list of maintainers and their packages that both fail the
piuparts test and have 'command not found' errors, but may contain false
Arnaud Fontaine <arnau at debian.org>
Bdale Garbee <bdale at gag.com>
bind9 (U)
Benoit Mortier <benoit.mortier at opensides.be>
fusioninventory-agent (U)
Cameron Dale <camrdale at gmail.com>
Christoph Haas <haas at debian.org>
cream (U)
Damien Raude-Morvan <drazzib at debian.org>
tomcat6 (U)
Dan Poltawski <talktodan at gmail.com>
moodle (U)
Dario Minnucci <midget at debian.org>
Debian Java Maintainers <pkg-java-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
Debian Javascript Maintainers <pkg-javascript-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
Debian MeeGo packaging Team <pkg-meego-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
Debian Python Modules Team <python-modules-team at lists.alioth.debian.org>
Debian QA Group <packages at qa.debian.org>
Didier Raboud <odyx at debian.org>
uxlaunch (U)
Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd at debian.org>
slurm-llnl (U)
Dominic Hargreaves <dom at earth.li>
Evgeni Golov <evgeni at debian.org>
Gennaro Oliva <oliva.g at na.icar.cnr.it>
Gonéri Le Bouder <goneri at rulezlan.org>
Igor Stroh <jenner at debian.org>
James Page <james.page at ubuntu.com>
tomcat7 (U)
Jan Christoph Nordholz <hesso at pool.math.tu-berlin.de>
Jeremy Malcolm <terminus at debian.org>
Jeroen Schot <schot at a-eskwadraat.nl>
John M Collins <jmc at xisl.com>
Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk>
buddycloud-server (U)
LaMont Jones <lamont at debian.org>
Ludovic Claude <ludovic.claude at laposte.net>
tomcat6 (U)
Martin Schulze <joey at debian.org>
Michael Koch <konqueror at gmx.de>
tomcat6 (U)
Mickael Profeta <profeta at debian.org>
prelude-manager (U)
Miguel Landaeta <miguel at miguel.cc>
tomcat6 (U)
tomcat7 (U)
Moodle Packaging Team <pkg-moodle-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
Neil Roeth <neil at debian.org>
Nicolas Roudaire <nikrou77 at gmail.com>
dotclear (U)
Niels Thykier <niels at thykier.net>
tomcat6 (U)
Patrick Matthäi <pmatthaei at debian.org>
Penny Leach <penny at mjollnir.org>
moodle (U)
Philip Hands <phil at hands.com>
gnuspool (U)
Pierre Chifflier <pollux at debian.org>
prelude-manager (U)
Radu Spineanu <radu at debian.org>
Ryan Kavanagh <rak at debian.org>
Santiago Vila <sanvila at debian.org>
Takuo Kitame <kitame at debian.org>
Tomasz Muras <nexor1984 at gmail.com>
moodle (U)
tony mancill <tmancill at debian.org>
tomcat6 (U)
tomcat7 (U)
Torsten Werner <twerner at debian.org>
tomcat6 (U)
Tristan Seligmann <mithrandi at mithrandi.net>
python-axiom (U)
Vincent Bernat <bernat at debian.org>
python-axiom (U)
Xavier Oswald <xoswald at debian.org>
moodle (U)
E: Unknown package: rt3.8-rtfm
E: Unknown package: zabbix-proxy-sqlite3
E: Unknown package: virtualbox-dkms
E: Unknown package: sugar-session-0.90
E: Unknown package: ndoutils-common
E: Unknown package: openswan-modules-dkms
E: Unknown package: snort-pgsql
E: Unknown package: rt4-extension-assettracker
E: Unknown package: rt3.8-extension-assettracker
E: Unknown package: zabbix-proxy-mysql
E: Unknown package: sugar-session-0.88
E: Unknown package: snort-mysql
E: Unknown package: icinga-idoutils
E: Unknown package: virtualbox-guest-dkms
E: Unknown package: zabbix-proxy-pgsql
E: Unknown package: sugar-session-0.86
E: Unknown package: zabbix-server-mysql
E: Unknown package: boxbackup-server
E: Unknown package: slurm-llnl-slurmdbd
E: Unknown package: initramfs-tools-tcos
E: Unknown package: boxbackup-client
E: Unknown package: zabbix-server-pgsql
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