[Piuparts-devel] [Piuparts-commits] [SCM] piuparts git repository branch, piatti, updated. 0.49-155-g476954e

Andreas Beckmann anbe at debian.org
Fri Mar 8 23:24:50 UTC 2013

On 2013-03-08 13:57, Holger Levsen wrote:
>> Anyway, logs will still be marked for recycling even if the system is
>> busy otherwise - but only up to reschedule-*-count. And logs will still
>> be expired, but that usually happens a week/month after marking for
>> recycling, so piatti should have caught up until that happens.
> -> README.txt / manpage?

Is the following sufficient?

* "reschedule-untestable-days" (global) sets the rescheduling
 delay for untestable packages (e.g. due to unsatisfied

* "reschedule-old-days" (global, section) and the following five
 settings define the rescheduling scheme for passed and failed
 packages. Logs that are marked for recycling but are older than
 expire-(old|fail)-days will be deleted, moving the package to
 dependency-failed-testing state. expire-(old|fail)-days needs to
 be greater than reschedule-(old|fail)-days to enable expiration.

* "reschedule-old-count" (global, section)

* "reschedule-fail-days" (global, section)

* "reschedule-fail-count" (global, section)

* "expire-old-days" (global, section)

* "expire-fail-days" (global, section)

* "auto-reschedule" (section) can be set to "no" to disable
 rescheduling of passed and failed packages. To disable only
 rescheduling one of passed or failed logs, set the corresponding
 -count variable to zero.


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