[Piuparts-devel] faster-rdep-calc

Dave Steele dsteele at gmail.com
Wed Mar 27 04:24:52 UTC 2013

On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 5:53 AM, Andreas Beckmann <anbe at debian.org> wrote:
>Hmm, renaming the variables to the same name as the methods - makes my
>brain hurt. Does that even work?

Only if you don't want to use the method again. Fixed.

> in Package, having accessors to set the value (set_foo_count()), but
> requiring to access the member variable directly to get the vlue looks
> like a stupid assymmetry.

Adding both setters and accessors seemed too heavyweight, so I
eliminated the setters instead. Then I found that I had to be careful
to make sure that PackagesDB didn't accidentally add variables to
Package. The setters solve that, and make it clear the variables are
externally managed. Stupid or not, I still think the asymmetry is a
right way to go.

I've reworked and rebased. I'll be testing it for a couple of days. In
the meantime, you may want the update to get detect_well_known_errors
working in develop again.

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