[Piuparts-devel] piuparts-slave memory usage

Holger Levsen holger at layer-acht.org
Wed Oct 23 16:26:15 UTC 2013

Hi Andreas,

On Mittwoch, 23. Oktober 2013, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> how much memory does piuparts-slave consume ?
> ps aux | grep piuparts-slave
> and how much memory does the virtual machine have?

holger at piu-slave-bm-a:~$ ps aux | grep piuparts-slave
holger   20991  0.0  0.0   9828   880 pts/5    S+   16:25   0:00 grep piuparts-slave
2954     22621  0.6  4.7 626940 582044 pts/2   S+   10:59   2:16 /usr/bin/python /srv/piuparts.debian.org/share/piuparts/piuparts-slave
2954     22631  0.7  4.2 572028 526688 pts/1   S+   10:59   2:22 /usr/bin/python /srv/piuparts.debian.org/share/piuparts/piuparts-slave
2954     22638  0.3  4.0 544096 499184 pts/4   S+   10:59   1:05 /usr/bin/python /srv/piuparts.debian.org/share/piuparts/piuparts-slave
2954     22639  0.3  4.3 583012 538176 pts/3   S+   10:59   1:02 /usr/bin/python /srv/piuparts.debian.org/share/piuparts/piuparts-slave
holger at piu-slave-bm-a:~$ free -h
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:           11G       4,3G       7,5G         0B       176M       1,7G
-/+ buffers/cache:       2,4G       9,4G
Swap:          28G       160K        28G

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