[Piuparts-devel] jessie-rcmd ?

Holger Levsen holger at layer-acht.org
Thu Jan 15 14:05:19 UTC 2015


On Donnerstag, 15. Januar 2015, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> does piuparts.d.o have capacity left to add a jessie-rcmd test?

holger at pejacevic:/srv/piuparts.debian.org$ du -sch htdocs/* master/* 
2>/dev/null|grep G|sort
1.1G    master/squeeze
1.4G    master/wheezy
1.6G    htdocs/squeeze
1.7G    master/jessie
1.8G    master/wheezy2jessie
2.1G    htdocs/wheezy
2.3G    master/sid-nodoc
2.9G    htdocs/jessie
3.0G    htdocs/sid
3.0G    htdocs/sid-nodoc
3.1G    htdocs/jessie2proposed
3.1G    htdocs/wheezy2proposed
3.2G    master/testing2sid
3.6G    htdocs/lenny2squeeze
3.9G    htdocs/testing2sid
4.2G    htdocs/squeeze2wheezy
4.3G    htdocs/squeeze2wheezy-proposed
4.5G    master/sid
6.1G    htdocs/wheezy2jessie
7.9G    htdocs/wheezy2jessie-rcmd
70G     total

I'm mostly surprised about wheezy2jessie-rcmd being so big...

(and this is just FYI... if we need more space, we need more space. And can 
get it.)

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