[Piuparts-devel] Bug#856846: piuparts.debian.org: jessie-security has >1700 packages in dependency-failed-testing status

Holger Levsen holger at layer-acht.org
Wed Mar 8 13:00:43 UTC 2017

On Wed, Mar 08, 2017 at 01:26:06PM +0100, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> On 2017-03-08 13:14, Holger Levsen wrote:
> > However, your "outdated" state doesnt *really* help with this, or? AIUI it
> > will make us stop testing (or rather, stop trying to test) outdated packages,
> > but it's still not testing *dependend* packages correctly, or?
> that patch has its origins nearly 5 years ago with exactly that issue
> fixed the next day, it does the right thing by now :-)

hahaha, wow. and yay.
> the state lookup for dependencies recurses upon "outdated", so it will
> find the state of a newer version
ok, cool. still, let's wait for 0.77 with this…

> > (also I'd like to show that there are outdated packages in some suites and
> > that these can be removed…)
> backports ...

yeah, there too.

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