[Piuparts-devel] correctly pass --extra-package debs to piuparts

Johannes Schauer josch at debian.org
Sun Aug 5 12:57:53 BST 2018


On Fri, 05 Jan 2018 23:18:20 -0500 Harlan Lieberman-Berg <hlieberman at debian.org> wrote:
> I've noticed that when you pass --extra-package to sbuild to do multi-step
> packaging, the piuparts run will fail being unable to resolve the
> dependencies.
> It is precisely when I'm doing multi-step packaging that I want piuparts'
> help the most!

I agree! The same holds for autopkgtest where installing additional packages
might be required. Implementing this for autopkgtest is trivial as any
additional .deb packages can just be given as new positional command line
arguments. Autopkgtest will then consider them for resolving dependencies.

Unfortunately, I see no easy way to achieve the same with piuparts. How does
one pass extra packages to piuparts? --extra-old-packages seems to be the wrong
choice. Is the only way to do this by creating a new apt repository with all
additional .deb packages and pass that to piuparts via --extra-repo?


cheers, josch
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