[Piuparts-devel] [rt at rt.debian.org: [rt.debian.org #7979] AutoReply CC: decommisionning piu-slave-bm-a.d.o]

Holger Levsen holger at layer-acht.org
Wed Sep 25 11:48:07 BST 2019


this will make piuparts.d.o pretty much unusable as we know it today.

I don't get why this slave isn't migrated to UBC like several other
debian.org hosts. (under a new name or with the old name.)

I also like how we get a 48h deadline. Myself will have no time in the
next 48h to deal with this. Plus, rt#7646 basically says 'LOL, go away'.

last: why is this sent to Luk and me, instead to the piuparts

----- Forwarded message from Julien Cristau via RT <rt at rt.debian.org> -----

Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2019 16:03:31 +0000
From: Julien Cristau via RT <rt at rt.debian.org>
To: Cc of rt.debian.org Ticket #7979: ;
CC: holger at layer-acht.org, luk at debian.org
Subject: [rt.debian.org #7979] AutoReply CC: decommisionning piu-slave-bm-a.d.o
Reply-To: rt at rt.debian.org
Message-ID: <rt-4.4.1-3+deb9u3-488-1569341011-1621.7979-17-0 at debian.org>

A new trouble ticket, a summary of which appears below the dashed line, regarding

  "decommisionning piu-slave-bm-a.d.o",

has been created and the Requestor set you as a CC, which is why you are receiving this autoreply-on-ticket-creation message.

In case you reply to this mail, please include the following string in the subject line (excluding quotation marks):

  [rt.debian.org #7979]


as the hardware running our bytemark cluster has started failing we're moving services out of there.

We already have https://rt.debian.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=7646 about standing up a new slave elsewhere.  If we need one urgently to replace the bm one, please let us know.

If there is data on the slave you need to save somewhere else, can you also let us know and/or do that?

I'm planning on shutting down the slave by the end of the week, but can probably accomodate if that's too soon.


----- End forwarded message -----


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