[Piuparts-reports] problem with piuparts-slave detected

piuparts slave piupartss at piu-slave-bm-a.debian.org
Tue Sep 10 00:16:01 BST 2019

Either a test is running for a very long time (more than 90 minutes),
or piuparts-slave hangs or is not running at all or wasn't started with
~piupartss/bin/slave_run - please investigate and take appropriate measures!

20:22:47 Connection to master closed
20:22:47 Testing package stretch2Xbuster-rcmd/games-finest 3

Slave interrupted by the user, waiting for the current test to finish.
Press Ctrl-C again to abort now.
21:06:57 Connecting to pejacevic.debian.org
21:06:58 Sending log file stretch2Xbuster-rcmd/fail/games-finest_3.log

Slave interrupted by the user, exiting...
piupartss at piu-slave-bm-a:/srv/piuparts.debian.org/slave/1$ 

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