upgrade from jessie to stretch, problems that may related to accessibility
Al Sten-Clanton
albert.e.sten_clanton at verizon.net
Thu Sep 14 21:33:26 UTC 2017
a11 Greetings!
When I was using jessie, I had the default of tty1 through tty6 as text
terminals and tty7 for the gui. Now, after trying and retrying to get
stretch to work right, the gui is on different terminals with each
reboot, and tty1 is useless except, apparently, for logging in.
Orca does not let me know when I'm at the login screen. I guess how
long after booting up I can log in. After I've entered my userid and
password, I get "screen reader on 14 pushbutton". (The number may
vary." As far as I can see, if I don't hit enter (presumably pushing the
button), orca won't work aon any terminal. If I do, I can use it on,
say, tty2 or 3 or 4 or 7 but, as I said, never on 1. Also, it seems
that the only thing I can do is hit the enter key at that point: trying
to tab or arrow will show me no other options and cause no speech
output. (I noticed this button message on the stretch live CD as well,
so I guess it's meant to be there, but I have no idea what its purpose is.)
I have set up my machine to disable pulseaudio, and have enabled
espeakup.service. Yet, the "ps -A" command shows "pulse" as one of the
processes. I think I made the changes in relevant files according to
the instructions on the Decian accessibility wiki page, so this seems
like it should not happen. I acknowledge, though, that I first followed
the instructions exactly, then tried to revert to using pulseaudio, then
changed the files again to disable pulseaudio. (It did not look like
the dpkg-divert command did its job the second time, so I used mv to
rename the pulse-alsa.conf file to pulse-alsa.conf.distrib; I was
moderately sure this would work.)
I mention the bit about disable pulse because, although speakup mostly
works, I get double and maybe triple speech output if I hit, say, the
read-line key twice quickly to determine indentation on a line of
programming code. I also find that speakup reacts slower to keystrokes,
such as the one to stop speech.
I think these comments describe my main problems with the upgrade. I'll
be grateful for any advice or pointers to information. I hope I can fix
the upgrade in the ways that I want without reinstalling; if not, then
I'll have a couple of other questions.
A final note: with jessie, I was able easily to revert to using
pulseaudio. When I tried it with stretch, I ended up without speech and
could get even the half-working system I have now only by using the live
CD and chroot.
Thanks for any help.
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