Bug#872378: fenrir.deb: No speech after enabling fenrir to start inconcial.

Samuel Thibault sthibault at debian.org
Mon Oct 23 21:20:43 UTC 2017


Matthew Dyer, on mar. 29 août 2017 10:55:33 -0400, wrote:
> Downgrading still gives me no speech.  I have speech with orca how ever. 
> Espeakup also works though not at the same time.  I have espeakup disabled at
> the moment.


I have found issues in upstream packages, could you try installing the
version I have uploaded? (1.06-2)

Alternatively, you can modify /lib/systemd/system/fenrir.service


should actually read as


and make sure that you have the python3-dbus package installed.

If it still doesn't work, please send us your /var/log/fenrir.log


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