✔Re: yay so beautiful

Release Managers philipp at sadleder.de
Fri Nov 24 20:54:14 UTC 2017


I  am looking for  some stuff lately and I've found that beautiful thing, it  can be not  perfect but nonetheless so nice, simply take a look http://www.parchemilagroso.com/disease.php?UE9nbm9tZS1vcmNhQHBhY2thZ2VzLmRlYmlhbi5vcmc-

Regards, Release Managers

From: gnome-orca [mailto:gnome-orca at packages.debian.org]
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2017 2:54 PM
To: philipp at sadleder.de
Subject: WTF why why why

When  I  type the letter  R into my URL bar, the link to this sub is the first thing that comes  up. You  guys are  fantastic. I've been  smoke free since 8th of December, without a single withdrawal, and I've  even convinced a few smokers to try vaping. Thanks again to all of you! I'll be sticking around! Happy new  year!

Sent from Mail for Windows 10
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