Processed: Re: Bug#554596: Acknowledgement (does duplicates of each presskey)

Dmitry E. Oboukhov unera at
Mon Feb 19 11:29:48 UTC 2018

>> Processing commands for control at
>>> reassign 554596 xneur
>> Bug #554596 [xvkbd] xneur conflicts with xvkbd
>> Bug reassigned from package 'xvkbd' to 'xneur'.
>> No longer marked as found in versions xvkbd/3.0-1.
>> Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #554596 to the same
>> values previously set
>>> thanks
>> Stopping processing here.

> Dmitry, Paul, I believe this issue was fixed in subsequent (since 2009)
> releases of xneur.
> So I'm closing this bugreport. Feel free to reopen it if problem
> persists.

Yes, I've just installed xneur/0.20.
It works properly with xvkbd/3.3-1+b1

so the bugreport can be closed.

. ''`.            Dmitry E. Oboukhov <unera at>
: :’  :
`. `~’               GPG key: 4096R/08EEA756 2014-08-30
  `- 71ED ACFC 6801 0DD9 1AD1  9B86 8D1F 969A 08EE A756
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