Wondering about the 2.22.0-1 upload of atk1.0

Cyril Brulebois cyril at debamax.com
Mon Apr 23 06:10:33 BST 2018


Looking at atk1.0 in stretch for a derivative, it looks like what's in
the archive doesn't quite match what's in git. To be more precise, no
tag is avaiable for that upload, and the following commit looks like a
good candidate:
| commit ef3e29c912e4eba887dca6fd7e81c0915bdf3957
| Author: Michael Biebl <biebl at debian.org>
| Date:   Mon Sep 19 16:57:25 2016 +0000
|     Release version 2.22.0-1 to unstable

Rebuilding the source package from that commit leads to a huge debdiff
compared to what's in the archive:
|  debian/docs.in                                   |    2 
|  debian/libatk1.0-data.dirs                       |    1 
|  debian/libatk1.0-data.files                      |    1 
|  debian/libatk1.0-dbg.files                       |    1 
|  debian/libatk1.0-dev.dirs                        |    3 
|  debian/libatk1.0-dev.files                       |    3 
|  debian/libatk1.0-doc.dirs                        |    1 
|  debian/libatk1.0-udeb.files                      |    2 
|  debian/patches/000_fix_symbol_resolution.patch   |   15 
|  debian/patches/001_atk1.0-debian-libtool.patch   |11050 +++++++++++++++++++++++
|  debian/patches/40_am-glib-define-localedir.patch |   44 
|  debian/scripts/Makefile                          |   11 
|  debian/scripts/archmap                           |   22 
|  debian/scripts/getglibcversion                   |   56 
|  debian/scripts/lib                               |  198 
|  debian/scripts/messages                          |   29 
|  debian/scripts/source.unpack                     |   32 
|  debian/scripts/vars                              |   31 
|  debian/scripts/vars.build                        |   17 
|  debian/sources                                   |    1 
|  debian/sys-build.mk                              |  167 
|  21 files changed, 11687 insertions(+)

This looks like something committed way afterwards:
| commit bb4c237f7eee5e62012664f8c36e125a4b98650f
| Author: Jeremy Bicha <jbicha at debian.org>
| Date:   Wed Dec 20 14:11:43 2017 -0500
|     Drop old files left over from svn conversion

that might have been applied locally while building the package that
ended up in stretch?

Anyway, an extra commit/branch/tag to clarify this in git would be

Thanks for your time.

Cyril Brulebois -- Debian Consultant @ DEBAMAX -- https://debamax.com/
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