Bug#868346: python-pocketsphinx: Python doesn't recognize that a version of pocketsphinx is installed

Samuel Thibault sthibault at debian.org
Wed Aug 1 22:47:44 BST 2018

Control: tags -1 + upstream
Control: forwarded -1 https://github.com/cmusphinx/pocketsphinx/issues/136


Ethan Ward, le ven. 14 juil. 2017 13:17:42 -0400, a ecrit:
> When I install python-pocketsphinx, python doesn't recognize that a version of pocketsphinx is installed.
> Although the package still works - I can import and use pocketsphinx fine - it causes issues when other python libraries
> depend on the package, as it tries to find the package but won't run because it doesn't recognize the package as installed.

I guess this is this:

$ python
>>> from pkg_resources import require
>>> require("pocketsphinx")
pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: The 'pocketsphinx' distribution was not found and is required by the application

> I think that this is related to not having a, for example, pocketsphinx-0.8.egg_info/ directory with a PKG-INFO file
> and other related informational files. However, I'm not entirely sure.

Probably something like that, yes.  Upstream however doesn't use
setuptools any more, and doesn't distribute eggs any more. I have
reported the issue upstream


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