Bug#917229: emacspeak: shipped file gets modified if installed along emacs 26: /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/lisp/emacspeak-cus-load.el

Paul Gevers elbrus at debian.org
Mon Dec 24 14:36:35 GMT 2018

Hi Samuel,

On 24-12-2018 15:00, Paul Gevers wrote:
> It seems the debian/emacsen-install script was never properly adjusted
> for the migration of emacs<version> to unversioned emacs packages.

That was a very bad thing to say, as you apparently did make quite some
changes (I am now looking at the history of that file). But it stuck to
me while reading that file that the first important part of logic was
put in an "if [ ${FLAVOR} != emacs ]; then" block, which I wrongly
assumed to be legacy.

I'll go through the file and commit a proposal, maybe you can review
before we upload, such that we are aligned on the changes.


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