Can we find someone to continue developing ebook-speaker and daisy-player now that we lost Jos Lemmens?

Samuel Thibault sthibault at
Sat Jan 8 22:26:04 GMT 2022

Didier Spaier, le sam. 08 janv. 2022 22:34:30 +0100, a ecrit:
> Samuel will you consult with Kees to find a permanent place to host this website?

I am sorry I cannot afford taking the time do to it.

> Also, as Jean-Philippe wrote:
> > As for speech-dispacther via Samuel, Hypra can handle this tool, at least for
> > maintainance and patch review. We will not add features I think, but if we can
> > fix bugs or ensure it works in the future, we will do, yes.
> should I understand that the Debian package archive is where the development
> will continue, and then can non-Debianers file PR or issues there?

No, that would rather be e.g. on github.


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