Bug#1087173: xbrlapi: startup of xblrapi prevent Gnome on Xorg to start

Samuel Thibault sthibault at debian.org
Tue Dec 3 23:35:44 GMT 2024


Frank Dietrich, le dim. 01 déc. 2024 17:07:28 +0100, a ecrit:
> sorry for the long delay.

No problem, better some reply after some time rather than none :)

> Samuel Thibault <sthibault at debian.org> wrote:
> >Do you have the brltty package installed?
> It was not. After installing the package brltty it seems to solve the
> issue.

Ok, so it's really about xbrlapi trying to connect to brltty but not
realizing that it's not there.

> >Could you redirect std output and error output of the xbrlapi command
> >to some file so we get more information? Adding the -v option might
> >also be useful.
> In /etc/X11/Xsession.d/90xbrlapi I added the redirects as
> ```
> if [ -x "${xbrlapi}" ]; then
>   "${xbrlapi}" > /tmp/xbrlapi.stdout 2> /tmp/xbrlapi.stderr
>   if "${xbrlapi}" 2>/dev/null ; then
> ```
> Without brltty package installed the /tmp/xbrlapi.* files both are
> empty after trying to start X11 Gnome.

Uh. Could you try to install strace and use

> if [ -x "${xbrlapi}" ]; then
>   strace -o /tmp/log "${xbrlapi}" > /tmp/xbrlapi.stdout 2> /tmp/xbrlapi.stderr
>   if "${xbrlapi}" 2>/dev/null ; then

so we get to know exactly what it tries to do when trying to connect to
brltty? Normally we would get something like

connect(3, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(4101), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = -1 ECONNREFUSED (Connexion refusée)

Do you perhaps have a daemon listening on port 4101? (there's really not
supposed to be any, it's a port reserved at Iana)

> A possible reason how it might have come to that situation, xbrlapi was
> installed as recommendation for orca.
> - gnome-core depends on orca
> - orca recommends xbrlapi and suggests brltty
> - xbrlapi neither recommends or suggests brltty

Yes, that is expected. And normally xbrlapi without brltty is harmless.


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