[Pkg-acpi-devel] Bug#521280: acpid 1.0.10-3 causes infinite video reconfig loop on latitude d520 after hitting video button

Richard Russo russor_work at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 12 05:59:56 UTC 2009

I believe this change is causing new problems for me.  I've got a Dell latitude d520, and with acpid 1.0.10-3, I'm seeing an infinite loop of acpi video button events if i hit the video button or after a lid event.

It seems like this is an interaction with the acpi-support package's /etc/acpi/videobtn.sh, which calls acpi_fakekey $KEY_VIDEOOUT, which seems to cause an acpi event. This results in my machine basically becoming unusable.

Additionally, I'm getting a lot of odd events in acpi_listen which I didn't before.

For example, hitting the 'e' key on my keyboard (which is not a special ke at all) shows an "button/fnpgdown FNPGDOWN 00000080 00000000" event, backspace, - and + show up as FNDEL, FNBS, and FNINS respectively.

Can the thinkpad specific options be enabled with a flag, and/or with thinkpad detection?



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