[Pkg-alsa-devel] ALSA 1.0.5a-2
Steve Kowalik
Fri, 13 Aug 2004 15:55:28 +1000
Hi guys,
I was hoping to send this mail after the BTS had finished
sorting out all of the bugs I've closed, reassigned and tagged, but
spohr is running like a proper bitch - I'm still waiting for
confirmation of a reassign I sent over 2 hours ago.
Anyway, to be short - I'm done. I've done everything I can
think of and then some to the bug list, so -2 should close about 12
bugs, leaving us approaximately 57. Most of which are less than
trivial, or the submitters don't answer our questions.
The reason for mailing all of both of you is would you mind
taking a quick look at -2 in CVS? It's all commited and untagged since
I haven't cvs-buildpackage'd it yet, so it should pose no problem. I
hope to upload about tomorrow lunchtime (Sat Aug 14 02:03:31 UTC
2004), so if I haven't heard any screams of "No! Don't upload!" before
then, I'll upload it.
The other reason for my mail is that there are potientally
about 10 bugs we could close since they've been open for way too long,
and the submitter's haven't answered our questions. Case in point is
Jack Howarth and Lazarus Long, who seem to enjoy that sort of thing.
If it (dieting) was like a real time strategy game, I'd have loaded a save
game from ten years ago.
- Greg, Columbia Internet