[Pkg-alsa-devel] Bug#239575: #239575 questions

Eric Lavarde Eric Lavarde <Eric.Lavarde@bawue.de>, 239575@bugs.debian.org
Fri, 19 Nov 2004 21:37:59 +0100


So, yes, I think that KDE unmutes IEC958. And basically kmix (from the 
same package) is responsible. I did the following tests:
- before starting KDE, look in alsamixer shows that IEC958 is out
- look at file /var/lib/alsa/asound.state confirms this
- removed ~/.kde, start KDE, noises are back.
- correct the problem in kmix (Sound Mixer in the KDE menu)
- go out, go back in, problem is gone.
- go out, remove ~/.kde/share/config/kmix*, go back in -> problem is 
there again.

So, my interpretation: when kmix is started for the first time for a 
certain time, it creates its own rather random set of default values 
instead of taking over the current mixer values.
That's a bug of kmix! Do you reassign it?

Thanks, Eric

Thomas Hood wrote:
> Re: #239575 you wrote:
>>Consider that the problem is currently solved, so I don't know if there 
>>is anything to see. BTW: I had to shutoff IEC958 for all users, that 
>>might show that, in deed, it's a KDE problem!?
> Do you think that KDE unmutes IEC958?  What happens if you mute IEC958
> and then run "alsactl store"?  Does IEC958 still get unmuted when you
> start KDE?  If so, which program does it?  Which package is it in?
> Please reply to 239575@bugs.debian.org

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