[Pkg-alsa-devel] Re: #268221

Thomas Hood jdthood@aglu.demon.nl
Mon, 06 Sep 2004 14:41:41 +0200

I suggest that we modify alsaconf so that it adds "alsactl restore"
lines to the module loader configuration files.

For Linux 2.4 the relevant file is /etc/modutils/alsa-base .  Alsaconf
would write lines like these (with the variable appropriately

    post-install $CARD_DRIVER /usr/sbin/alsactl restore
    #pre-remove $CARD_DRIVER /usr/sbin/alsactl store

For Linux 2.6 the relevant file is /etc/modprobe.d/sound.  Alsaconf
would write lines like these (with the variable appropriately

    install $CARD_DRIVER /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install $CARD_DRIVER && /usr/sbin/alsactl restore
    #remove $CARD_DRIVER /usr/sbin/alsactl store ; /sbin/modprobe --remove --ignore-remove $CARD_DRIVER

Any objections and/or better ideas?