[Pkg-alsa-devel] Re: ALSA packager needed

Thomas Hood jdthood at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Dec 18 22:10:18 UTC 2005

Elimar Riesebieter wrote:
> Attached all patches reworked (offsets and fuzzes)

Beauty!  Committed.

Now, referring to the NOTES file...

> TODO for each new upstream release
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> * Check Ubuntu patches at http://people.ubuntulinux.org/~scott/patches/

Currently no patches.  Ubuntu uses our stuff straight.  We want to try
to keep it that way.  :)

> * Update debian/changelog.ALSA from release announcement

ALSA doesn't provide change logs so we add ALSA's release announcement
to the tops of the various debian/changelog.ALSA files every time.  Boring
but easy.  I have just done this for alsa-driver and committed it.

> * Update debian/ALSA-card-list from configure, docs and sources
> * Update debian/ALSA-module-list and debian/OSS-module-list from
>   the latest 2.6 kernel-image tree

This is the difficult part.  Almost every time there is a new release
upstream adds new drivers.  These are listed in the upstream configure file
starting with:

Optional Packages:
   --with-cards=<list>     compile driver for cards in <list>;
                           cards may be separated with commas;
                           'all' compiles all drivers;
                           Possible cards are:

We support the building of alsa-modules packages with arbitrary subsets of
drivers from this list.  But we don't read the list from here; we maintain
a separate list in debian/ALSA-card-list.  So the latter has to be synced
with the former.  ALSA-card-list also contains a short description of each
driver, so for each new driver we have to create a short descriptions based
on whatever information we can find in the tarball, including the source
files and files in the doc/ directory.

This is your next mission.
Thomas Hood

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