[Pkg-alsa-devel] Bug#312577: libasound2 crashes artsd

Andreas Pakulat Andreas Pakulat <apaku@gmx.de>, 312577@bugs.debian.org
Thu, 9 Jun 2005 17:24:18 +0200

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as I suspected, artsd crashed again today, using xmms to play the mp3's.
Again it took something between 6 and 7 hours (pc was unattended about 1
hour) and this time I got the backtrace :-) Hope that helps a bit.


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Using host libthread_db library "/lib/tls/libthread_db.so.1".
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
[New Thread -1218336672 (LWP 3937)]
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
(no debugging symbols found)
[KCrash handler]
#38 0xb79cf13e in snd_pcm_direct_parse_bindings ()
   from /usr/lib/libasound.so.2
#39 0xb79cf7b6 in snd_pcm_direct_parse_bindings ()
   from /usr/lib/libasound.so.2
#40 0xb79cf998 in snd_pcm_direct_parse_bindings ()
   from /usr/lib/libasound.so.2
#41 0xb79d04d8 in snd_pcm_direct_parse_bindings ()
   from /usr/lib/libasound.so.2
#42 0xb7997e98 in snd_pcm_poll_descriptors_revents ()
   from /usr/lib/libasound.so.2
#43 0xb79b66f9 in _snd_pcm_adpcm_open () from /usr/lib/libasound.so.2
#44 0xb7997e98 in snd_pcm_poll_descriptors_revents ()
   from /usr/lib/libasound.so.2
#45 0xb7e9309f in Arts::AudioIOALSA::notifyIO ()
   from /usr/lib/libartsflow.so.1
#46 0xb7aa274e in Arts::StdIOManager::processOneEvent ()
   from /usr/lib/libmcop.so.1
#47 0xb7aa2bc1 in Arts::StdIOManager::run () from /usr/lib/libmcop.so.1
#48 0xb7aa0d37 in Arts::Dispatcher::run () from /usr/lib/libmcop.so.1
#49 0x0805f502 in ?? ()
#50 0xbffff860 in ?? ()
#51 0xbffff800 in ?? ()
#52 0x00000001 in ?? ()
#53 0xb7ff17eb in do_lookup () from /lib/ld-linux.so.2
#54 0xb7c15974 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6
#55 0x08053ca1 in ?? ()
