[Pkg-alsa-devel] debhelper compatibility levels

Thomas Hood jdthood at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Feb 7 09:28:58 UTC 2006

I have been looking at what other packages do.  Several packages I
checked didn't set the compatibility level.  However, one package that
I help to maintain was setting the compatibility level to 4.  It
worked fine when I increased this to 5; but when I removed the setting
the build broke!  I don't understand this because the debhelper manual
says that debhelper always defaults to the highest level.  This
experience leads me to want not to rely on debhelper's default behaviour.

So I've changed my mind about debhelper compatibility levels.  It
seems better to me now to set the compatibility level and let lintian
prod us into changing the level every few years than to leave the
level unset and to experience mysterious FTBFSes.  I am reverting
everything to using dh compatibility level 4.  Sorry for the noise.

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