[Pkg-alsa-devel] Bug#437115: Fix found, sort of

Teemu Ikonen tpikonen at gmail.com
Sat Sep 15 10:54:16 UTC 2007

reopen 437115

Ok, sorry for not following this bug for a while, but I found a "fix"
for the muted sound. No, it was not solved by pressing the mute button

As can be found at Thinkwiki ( http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/AD1981B )
and alsa FAQs (
), for some odd reason the Headphone Jack Sense and Line Jack Sense
mixer channels need to be _muted_ for the sound to work at all on some
Thinkpad models.

The reason for this idiocy is beyond me, but the real solution to this
problem would probably involve disabling these channels completely in
the AD1981B kernel driver, when it's being run on affected models.
Anyone capable of writing a patch to the driver for this?



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