[Pkg-alsa-devel] Error APMD resume ALSA reload-modules

Tom Dom dorn_zahn at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 16 18:20:34 UTC 2008

Error APMD resume ALSA reload-modules

I apologize for probably causing the bug, at least as
I'm the proud owner
of the affected machine.

Thinkpad a21 a22 - Debian 4.0 r 1

kernel options noacpi acpi=off apm=on
apt-get install apmd

The /etc/apm/scripts.d/alsa script does not
unload/reload snd modules when
executed by the apmd. Though it obviously runs, see

It does all expected actions when invoked manually as
e.g. "/etc/apmd/apmd_proxy resume suspend"

thanks for having a look at this

best regards, hans

Here are my attempts:

# apmd proxy script for ALSA

[ -x /usr/sbin/alsactl ] || exit 0

#case "$1,$2" in
#	suspend,*) /usr/sbin/alsactl store &&
/etc/init.d/alsa suspend ;;
#	resume,suspend) /etc/init.d/alsa resume &&
/usr/sbin/alsactl restore ;;

#  does not work, snd modules are not un-/re-loaded
#  (yes I have set /etc/default/alsa:

# -----------------------------------------------

# These machines (thinkpad a21m, a22m) seem not to be
reliably useable with acpi.
# APM works fine generally. I need it.
# WRT suspend + snd, these machines need: modprobe -r
snd_cs46xx ; modprobe snd_cs46xx
# Doing this at resume is ok (after having killed
processes using alsa).

# to test the simplest:

#case "$1,$2" in
#	suspend,*) ;;
#	resume,suspend) /etc/init.d/alsa force-reload ;;

# ... does not reload the snd modules.

# -----------------------------------------------

# to check if ...
#  - the script is executed
#  - unloading fails due to other activity while

case "$1,$2" in
	echo -n "02 " >> /home/x/a
	/bin/date >> /home/x/a
	/usr/sbin/alsactl store
	echo -n "04 " >> /home/x/a
	/bin/date >> /home/x/a

	echo -n "06 " >> /home/x/a
	/bin/date >> /home/x/a
	sleep 10

#	modprobe -r snd_cs46xx
#	/etc/init.d/alsa force-unload
	/etc/init.d/alsa force-reload

	echo -n "08 " >> /home/x/a
	/bin/date >> /home/x/a


# The modules are'nt unloaded or reloaded.
# But the numbers and date strings are written to the
file as expected,
# the file being owned by root. Strange ?

# BTW, doing
#    /etc/init.d/alsa force-reload
# or manually invoking the script
#    /etc/apm/scripts.d/alsa resume suspend
# or
#    /etc/apm/events.d/apm-proxy resume suspend 
# works fine.

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