[Pkg-alsa-devel] Bug#481515: Bug#481515: alsa-utils: 'alsactl restore' fails on ICE1724 soundcards

Elimar Riesebieter riesebie at lxtec.de
Wed May 28 16:54:17 UTC 2008

On Mon, 26 May 2008 the mental interface of
Martin Roll told:

> Unfortunately, removing /var/lib/alsa/asound.state and restarting
> alsa-utils results in the same error messages. There is no difference.

Could you please send /var/lib/alsa/asound.state compressed? i want
to compare it with /usr/share/alsa/cards/ICE1724.conf. I don't have
an Envy24HT handy, though.


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  just after you need it!
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