[Pkg-alsa-devel] Bug#559480: Bug#559480: Bug#559480: alsa-base: No audio thought HDMI

Elimar Riesebieter riesebie at lxtec.de
Wed Dec 9 17:49:57 UTC 2009

* Javier Ortega Conde (Malkavian) [091208 23:38 +0100]
> Sorry Elimar, it's my fault as the writer of the report after trying to 
> help Jon with his problem.
> The sound works except when trying to use HDMI output. I (we) don't know 
> how exactly HDMI works, but I think is something managed by video card AND 
> sound card.
> 'aplay -l' or "aplay -L" might say something about HDMI but they don't.

So the kernel mybe must load an option like hda-codec-nvhdmi?

> Sorry again if my severity calification is too hard.
That's fixed ;-)


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