[Pkg-alsa-devel] Bug#638369: alsa-utils: Seems to do strange things to stdin after upgrade to 1.0.24

Peter Drysdale drysdalepete at gmail.com
Wed Aug 24 01:11:03 UTC 2011

Dear All,

I can confirm that this has been discovered upstream and patched in the
master at the alsa project.
Version 1.0.24 of alsa-utils changed the default behaviour of aplay.

This has broken ( at least on some installations including mine) - the
festival package.
Jean-Phillipe Mengual and I have moved to maintaining festival in the last
week after a request from the previous
maintainers (Kumar and Kartik).
The festival package by default drives aplay for its sound output.
I have successfully tested the upstream patch which went into the master and
it repairs aplay
and thus the default festival sound output method.
The festival reference for this is bug #638691.

I attach the patch which was added at the upstream alsa project by Takashi
His discussion can be found at


Is there any chance that we can ensure that wheezy does not freeze
(when that time comes) without either
this patch being applied or a more recent version of alsa-utils
shipping (if it has been shipped)?

If not should we at festival be changing the default sound output of
festival (to something like native alsa or pulse)
to circumvent the need for aplay?

with the very best of regards,
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