[Pkg-alsa-devel] Bug#628652: Acknowledgement (alsa-base: audio from web browsers contains cracking, clipping and other audio artifacts)

Christopher Meiklejohn christopher.meiklejohn at gmail.com
Tue May 31 14:49:33 UTC 2011

Some further debugging this morning:

1. I definitely believe this is related to flashplugin.  This would
explain problems that are reproducible at portal2sounds.com, rdio.com,
etc, as they have an embedded flash swf that's actually playing the
2. YouTube HTML 5 works fine, this would explain why on some YouTube
flash videos the advertisement exhibits the problem and the main video
does not.
3. I believe that the unknown hardware message on boot is a red
herring as alsaplayer works fine from the command line.

The error is definitely transient but reproducible in those four
browsers (chromium, chrome, epiphany and iceweasel).

I also tried reinstalling adobe-flashplugin this morning, with no luck.

- Chris

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