[Pkg-alsa-devel] Bug#698985: alsa-utils: alsamixer does not work. Broken pipe.

Elimar Riesebieter riesebie at lxtec.de
Mon Jan 28 07:51:01 UTC 2013

* Azuki <eml9999 at email.com> [2013-01-27 18:59 -0500]:

> window manager is openbox.
> /etc/pulse/{daemon.conf,default.pa} are default.
> I run alsamixer as user.
> $ cat /etc/asound.conf
> pcm.pulse { type pulse }
> ctl.pulse { type pulse }
> pcm.!default { type pulse }
> ctl.!default { type pulse }
> $ groups
> azuki cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev

It tㄩrns out that pulse doesn't cooperate with your soundcard. As
told before stop the pulsedaemon and prevent it for restarting. Else
mv /etc/asound.conf /etc/asound.conf.save and run alsamixer again.

It would be great if you answer always to 698985 at bugs.debian.org as
well. Other users may be interested for similar probs.

  Do you smell something burning or ist it me?

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