[Pkg-alsa-devel] Bug#487719: Bug#487719: Bug#487719: Bug#487719: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default:

Elimar Riesebieter riesebie at lxtec.de
Fri May 22 06:16:35 UTC 2015

* peter at easthope.ca <peter at easthope.ca> [2015-05-21 21:39 -0700]:

> From: Elimar Riesebieter <riesebie at lxtec.de>
> Date: Thu, 21 May 2015 21:59:23 +0200

> > ... please unplug your usb devices and try again?
> Both USB audio adapters unplugged.
> System rebooted.
> Speaker plugged into mainboard sound.
> At the end of this message, the last command tried is alsamixer.
> Regards,                            ... Peter E.
> peter at dalton:~$ aplay -L
> null
>     Discard all samples (playback) or generate zero samples (capture)
> pulse
>     PulseAudio Sound Server

It seems that pulseaudio took over your sound in general. You might
run pavucontrol to check it. It doesn't look like an alsa bug,

 >what IMHO then?
  IMHO - Inhalation of a Multi-leafed Herbal Opiate ;)
              --posting from alex in debian-user--

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