[Pkg-alsa-devel] Bug#849203: Bug#849203: libasound2: ALSA_PCM_DEVICE environment variable is ignored

Elimar Riesebieter riesebie at lxtec.de
Fri Dec 23 18:42:31 UTC 2016

* Leszek Godlewski <lg at inequation.org> [2016-12-23 15:54 +0100]:

> Package: libasound2
> Version: 1.1.2-1
> Severity: normal
> Dear Maintainer,


> inequation at BrixPro:~$ cat /etc/asound.conf
> defaults.pcm.card 0
> defaults.pcm.device 3

As far as i understsnd the sources you must prepare your device to
interpret ALSA_PCM_DEVICE. Try /etc/asound.conf as follows:

defaults.pcm.card 0
defaults.pcm.device 3
defaults.pcm.device {
    @func igetenv
        vars [ ALSA_PCM_DEVICE ]
        default 0 

Now it should be possible to run
$ ALSA_PCM_CARD=1 ALSA_PCM_DEVICE=0 mplayer test.mp3

  Learned men are the cisterns of knowledge,
  not the fountainheads ;-)

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