[Pkg-alsa-devel] Bug#881715: alsa-utils: High CPU usage on the default device

Elimar Riesebieter riesebie at lxtec.de
Mon Dec 4 19:09:54 UTC 2017

Hi Andoru,

* Andoru <aekkusu at gmail.com> [2017-12-04 17:02 +0200]:

>  > Did you created an /etc/asound.conf
> No, I have no such file.
> > or adapted some options loading your snd- modules?
> Yes, I mentioned in the first post that I created a rule under
> /etc/modprobe.d/ to disable HDMI audio output through the integrated chips.
> But you added another reply so you probably noticed that I wrote that
> afterwards.
> > A clean install of
> > alsa-utils and libasound2 should work out of the box with no custom
> settings!
> It *does* work, however, not as it should.

As you are the only one out of 60thsd Debian Alsa users who
reported a high cpu-usage running alsa apps and I can't reproduce
and don't know your system I hereby cancel support from my side.
Hence you'll find a solution, please let me know with a ping to
881715 at bugs.debian.org. Maybe you'll find help on user-lists or
alsa-lists. I don't know, though

  The path to source is always uphill!
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