[Pkg-alsa-devel] Bug#913034: Bug#913034: (no subject)

Elimar Riesebieter riesebie at lxtec.de
Sat Jan 26 10:36:16 GMT 2019

* Lennart Weller <lhw at ring0.de> [2018-11-11 01:38 +0100]:

> Control: found 1.1.7-2
> I had my system automatically install libasound2-plugins 1.1.7-2 coming from
> 1.1.6-1+b1 which was working fine.
> With 1.1.7-2 it is still failing on my system. Alsa shows all devices as on
> but Pulse in my case has no knowledge of them.

Is this still valid with latest libasound2 and pulse?

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