[pkg-apparmor] Bug#773357: Update mySQL profiles in Jessie

intrigeri intrigeri at debian.org
Thu Dec 18 10:15:37 UTC 2014


[moving the discussion to the ML, dropping the bug report from the Cc
list since I doubt MySQL maintainers care about what usertags we use,
and I'm only replying to this part below.]

[also, very sorry for the terseness of my previous email -- I wrote it
when stealing a few seconds here and there while my attention was busy
with other things, and should have proof-read it before sending.]

u wrote (17 Dec 2014 19:38:12 GMT) :
> Concerning the usertag, I think this could be "aa-update-profile", what
> do you think?

"aa" feels redundant: a usertag is only meaningful for a specific
user, and in this case it'll be pkg-apparmor-team at .

I'm not sure about the "update-profile" part: it suggests that we only
need to merge changes from upstream into Debian/Ubuntu, while
I suspect there are changes that need to be merged in the opposite
direction as well. Maybe "merge-with-upstream", or anything that
conveys this (probable) fact too?

Now, I realize that this topic is somewhat related to the
discussion(s) about cross-distro cooperation (that I've failed to
follow-up to, sorry): it would be good to share a taxonomy and
nomenclature for this kind of things. This would help automating
things, and maybe, some day, creating a dashboard that shows what
distros are doing with profiles, and what needs to be done so that
they converge more rapidly.

Maybe Ubuntu or openSUSE folks already have a nomenclature for tagging
such things in their own distro bug tracker, whenever they ship
a profile that diverges from upstream?



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